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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 |OT| Anyone can save the galaxy once - SPOILERS!

The Argus

Ending and next film spoilers

I hope to God the next Groot isn't the angsty teenage Groot we saw in the credits. Please just make him all grown up again
Ending and next film spoilers

I hope to God the next Groot isn't the angsty teenage Groot we saw in the credits. Please just make him all grown up again

This film takes place in 2014 and the next time we see Groot it will be with the Avengers in 2018. He will be grown up again, the teenage thing was just a gag


I just listened to the Empire Movie Podcast about this episode and I recommend it. There's an interview with James Gunn that gives some insight into the making of the movie. He was clearly heartbroken to write Yondu's death because he loves working with Rooker-but he felt that it was the best way to end the story. There was even a scene where Yondu "died" and then was revived at the end of the movie-but he knew that was a cheat.


Gold Member
Overall I enjoyed the movie. Not as good as the first but still fun overall but I'm curious as if to anyone else thought of Ultron when Ego was talking wanting to creation and children of this own?

That line Ultron gave, "Children... designed to supplant them. To help them...end.
Overall I enjoyed the movie. Not as good as the first but still fun overall but I'm curious as if to anyone else thought of Ultron when Ego was talking wanting to creation and children of this own?

That line Ultron gave, "Children... designed to supplant them. To help them...end.

Ultron was the best MCU villain
Drax telling Mantis to watch out right after she gets struck by something had me laughing for a solid minute. It's played so quickly and then immediately moved on from.

Great film. Definitely up there with the best of MCU.


I just listened to the Empire Movie Podcast about this episode and I recommend it. There's an interview with James Gunn that gives some insight into the making of the movie. He was clearly heartbroken to write Yondu's death because he loves working with Rooker-but he felt that it was the best way to end the story. There was even a scene where Yondu "died" and then was revived at the end of the movie-but he knew that was a cheat.
Glad it turned out how it did. Had really stolen a lot of the impact


Caught it last night. Gave me Fifth Element vibes much more than the first, which is never a bad thing. The Mary Poppins line practically had me in tears.


Not that I saw.

She had scheduling conflicts.

Ending and next film spoilers

I hope to God the next Groot isn't the angsty teenage Groot we saw in the credits. Please just make him all grown up again
What a shitty fucking opinion. Nothing would make my day more than a groot who annoyingly mocks every decision of the team because he's a know it all.
Drax telling Mantis to watch out right after she gets struck by something had me laughing for a solid minute. It's played so quickly and then immediately moved on from.

Great film. Definitely up there with the best of MCU.
This had me cackling like a madman. It hurt to contain it so I and others could hear what came next because it came and went so quickly as you said haha.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
That, uhh…wasn't a joke. It was actually for his Walkman.

A lot of people really seem to miss that Peter's a dork. Hell, a lot of humor in Guardians is less attempts at humor on the character's parts than people seem to realize.

pretty much, I'm confused why people thought the walkman line was off considering it had so much sentimental value to him both as an earthling and a connection to his mother


So if the movie takes place only a couple months after the first one, why does Stan Lee's cameo make a civil war reference about the Fed ex bit which wouldn't have happened yet?

Are the watchers able to see across time?
So if the movie takes place only a couple months after the first one, why does Stan Lee's cameo make a civil war reference about the Fed ex bit which wouldn't have happened yet?

Are the watchers able to see across time?

That was actually Stan Lee, not the characters he plays. Of course Stan knows his own Cameos!


So if the movie takes place only a couple months after the first one, why does Stan Lee's cameo make a civil war reference about the Fed ex bit which wouldn't have happened yet?

Are the watchers able to see across time?

Aaaaaaaah damn you're right.
That still doesn't make sense considering the timeline of the movie. That cameo hadn't happened yet.

No, I just assumed it's literally stan lee. As in the real one. The movie timeline doesn't need to make sense, because the movie order timeline isn't the order Stan the Man experiences them in. :p


saw this a few weeks ago, and after i've let it swirl around in my head for a bit i definitely think it's a better film than the first and up there as one of the best mcu films. absolutely some of the best written character interactions in the mcu.

and am i alone in this or did anyone else think that the action scenes were massively improved over the last film? gotg 1 definitely didn't have bad action - it's space battles were generally well done - but whenever it came down to hand to hand stuff it felt ocassionally... flat. some of the action felt as if it were being handled by a different director than the person who handled the dialogue and character interactions.

at least for me, gotg 2 managed to successfully communicate the same level of energy and humour found in the dialogue through the action. there's more attempts at visual humour during these scenes, the visuals themselves are a lot more polished (and on the whole this film looks pretty gorgeous) and the camerawork seemed a lot more dynamic and 'punchy'. hell, i swear the film uses sam raimi-esque zoom ins and quick cuts at times, which is a sort of touch that fits james gunn's general aesthetic and writing really well.

--weird hot take comparative analysis of two action scenes that no one will probably care about incoming--
the yondu and rocket breakout scene in comparison to the previous films equivalent, the yondu field scene, probably demonstrates the afformentioned improvements the best. whilst gotg 1's field scene was a cool demonstration of yondu's weapon, it probably stands as the weakest action sequence in the entire film. the way the scene is layed out and shot means that we can see that all of the goons are just standing in one big open space doing nothing, whilst the camera work that follows the arrow doesn't communicate a speed that would be enough to either quickly dispatch victims or show us the disorientation each of them would feel before getting hit, making it really hard to get over the fact that they would have had plenty of time to aim their weapons and gun a defenceless yondu down. it creates a dissonance which makes the scene feel very manufactured - the staging nor the direction does a good job of hiding the contrivances of the situation.

however, the breakout scene in gotg 2 is almost the complete opposite (as a caveat i have only seen the film once so a lot of this is going off of my memory, but it has stuck with me). for a decent portion of the scene, yondu and rocket are positioned in a different room than the enemies that try to besiege them, viewing their positions on a bunch of screens - working around the problem the field scene had where yondu is just standing out in the open exposed to hundreds of gun wielding goons whilst simultaneously communicating the ravagers relative positions. the bad guys are often stuck in claustrophobic hallways where they have to run towards yondu and rocket's room in single file demonstrated by some cool overhead shots, showing both that the bad guys aren't just standing around doing nothing and that there's a logical reason as to why they don't necessarily have time or space to react/ change tactics when shit goes down. simultaneously, the camera uses a few pov shots of the arrow that work as quick zoom ins on ravagers faces to show their surprise and confusion and to communicate the crazy speed yondu's arrow has - they don't have time to defend themselves.

then of course, you have the big moneyshot at the end that shows yondu and rocket walking through a much more open environment as bodies fall from the walkways around them, which, aside from being just a really 'cool' image, would arguably fall prey to the problems that the field scene had (although again, whilst looking much 'cooler') but gets around it by not framing huge amounts of ravagers just standing around waiting to be killed, whilst the implication is that a lot of these falling bodies are victims shown in previous shots. and to top it all off the whole scene is punctuated and paced by the song 'come a little bit closer', adding a fairly sardonic edge to the relentless murder.

so whilst it may have gone on for a tiny bit too long and used a lot of slow mo, i'm adamant that the yondu and rocket breakout scene really is one of the best mcu action scenes to date. really, really satisfying. but hey, maybe that's just me and admittedly all of this is coming from my memory so i could be completely wrong and reading into stuff that wasn't actually there.

--sorry for the incoherent rambling--

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
and am i alone in this or did anyone else think that the action scenes were massively improved over the last film? gotg 1 definitely didn't have bad action - it's space battles were generally well done - but whenever it came down to hand to hand stuff it felt ocassionally... flat. some of the action felt as if it were being handled by a different director than the person who handled the dialogue and character interactions.

at least for me, gotg 2 managed to successfully communicate the same level of energy and humour found in the dialogue through the action. there's more attempts at visual humour during these scenes, the visuals themselves are a lot more polished (and on the whole this film looks pretty gorgeous) and the camerawork seemed a lot more dynamic and 'punchy'. hell, i swear the film uses sam raimi-esque zoom ins and quick cuts at times, which is a sort of touch that fits james gunn's general aesthetic and writing really well.

i think Marvel has action choreographers and director advisers on hand for action /fight scenes

after TWS, i think they are using the Russos' people and the fights seem punchier and weightier as a result

excited to see how SM:H fares


Legit died laughing at that Zune reference. Will forever be justified by my Zune and its superior aesthetic looks over iPod.

On the Empire podcast Gunn made sure to clarify that that was a joke at the zune's expense. He said even Microsoft was perturbed at having it be used in a disparaging manner.


can't wait till we can start using grootpopcorn.gif

Was a really fun movie, good action, good plot, with real emotions. Really a far cry from the rest of the MCU, which are pure 'splosion popcorn-flicks for me.


Liked it a lot more in the second viewing. Not as much as the first, but that probably has to with having no expectations and it being so fresh and different.


Yondu killing all the Ravagers with his arrow was the best setpiece. Satisfying as fuck

humor was hit-and-miss for me but they absolutely nailed all of the emotional stuff imo. The split second shot of Yondu teaching Peter how to shoot, Peter & Baby Groot listening to the Cat Stevens song, Rocket tearing up when everyone showed up at Yondu's funeral, damn. hurt my heart

hope the Guardians have a meaty role in Infinity War


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah the whole ending basically from the time they realized they were in danger to the credits was a major feels-fest. It's impressive how naturally they ramped up into it.


just saw it today

thoroughly enjoyed the movie. there were some lines that had me lose it. really funny.

the two things that didn't really hit for me was star lord and his dad throwing the energy ball. that was too on the nose for me. the second thing was ego walking around as a skeleton near the end. that just looked a bit too goofy.

other than that I thought they nailed it. I really loved how the Sovereign species came back into play as the movie progressed. that opening scene seemed like a one off type thing to show the gang back together again and then they kept popping up. they were really well done. loved how they showed the remote ships as basically an arcade game. also really loved the mantis and drax moments.

and man, when all the ravagers showed up for yondu's funeral I got a little misty eyed not even gonna lie

good stuff
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