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1UP Yours (3/30/07)

Drensch said:
I certainly wouldn't say anyone is up in arms. Most of the hubub in this thread is not "whining" Nintendo fans, but people "whining" about the whining Nintendo fans. And the massive double standard. It's as if you're not allowed to like thw Wii, and if you do? You're an Ntard or whatever derogatory term you want to come up with. It's not so much what they said, but a pattern of snide comments and derisiveness. They don't have to like the Wii. But they don't have to go out of their way every week to trash it, and the general attitude.

please, its the same 3-4 guys complaining every week in these threads about how They either don't talk about nintendo enough, or they don't like what they say about nintendo.

Don't have to make snide remarks? They routinely did similar to far worse with the PS3 for a year or so(only Shane would stick up for the PS3..and then be mocked for it). But i'm sure the same people complaining didn't have a problem with those opinions.

Its their podcast. If you don't enjoy it, then don't listen


Drensch said:
It's as if you're not allowed to like thw Wii, and if you do? You're an Ntard

The term "NTard" is reserved for blind loyalists who champion their own system while spitting on the rest. A lot of people love the Wii but don't fit into this category. I think the Wii is awesome but the lineup leaves a lot to be desired right now. I've played just about every Wii game worth playing. Excite Truck and Zelda are easily my favorite games on the system, and I've had a lot of fun with Wii Sports, Wario Ware and Kororinpa. Rayman was kind of boring, though, and I gave up in Trauma Center after I couldn't draw the stupid star. I only played the multiplayer mode in Monkey Ball, but would rather play Hotel Dusk in French than play that stupid Frolf game again. And then they are the awful games. Sonic was an unplayable mess, even after you get the movement upgrades. Metal Slug is worst than the PS2 version, forcing Wii gimmicks into a game that doesn't need it. Elebits was only good for the first few levels before it turned into a soulless Katamari knock-off.

I haven't played Red Steel yet, though I'm getting it today.

I don't understand why Nintendo fans would cry when people insult the Wii. Zelda is the only meaty game on the system that is actually good and you can find that elsewhere. The other worthwhile titles are more akin to tech demos, though they are definetely fun especially with other people. That 1up rips this pretty shallow lineup is not surprising at all. Should they embrace the crappy licensed games, the half-assed ports or the uncontrollable dreck?


Gigglepoo said:
The term "NTard" is reserved for blind loyalists who champion their own system while spitting on the rest. A lot of people love the Wii but don't fit into this category. I think the Wii is awesome but the lineup leaves a lot to be desired right now. I've played just about every Wii game worth playing. Excite Truck and Zelda are easily my favorite games on the system, and I've had a lot of fun with Wii Sports, Wario Ware and Kororinpa. Rayman was kind of boring, though, and I gave up in Trauma Center after I couldn't draw the stupid star. I only played the multiplayer mode in Monkey Ball, but would rather play Hotel Dusk in French than play that stupid Frolf game again. And then they are the awful games. Sonic was an unplayable mess, even after you get the movement upgrades. Metal Slug is worst than the PS2 version, forcing Wii gimmicks into a game that doesn't need it. Elebits was only good for the first few levels before it turned into a soulless Katamari knock-off.

I haven't played Red Steel yet, though I'm getting it today.

I don't understand why Nintendo fans would cry when people insult the Wii. Zelda is the only meaty game on the system that is actually good and you can find that elsewhere. The other worthwhile titles are more akin to tech demos, though they are definetely fun especially with other people. That 1up rips this pretty shallow lineup is not surprising at all. Should they embrace the crappy licensed games, the half-assed ports or the uncontrollable dreck?
Are you an Ntard if you think stuff like SSX Blur isn't half-assed or uncontrollable, or that Trauma Center Wii is the superior version of the game, or that Godfather works great with the remote/nunchuk setup?

What I'm asking is, are you an Ntard if you think the Wii lineup doesn't suck?


there is joy in sucking dick
Shawn was real slow to get into the flow of the podcast...but he was awesome after that griefing war vets story :lol


The Sphinx said:
What I'm asking is, are you an Ntard if you think the Wii lineup doesn't suck?


There are some fun games on the system. It doesn't have a great lineup, but it still is good.

I ask you, are you biased against Nintendo if none of the games on the Wii appeal to you? Of the three games you mentioned, I have no interest in the EA experiments and had a much better time playing TC on my NDS than Wii.


Gigglepoo said:

There are some fun games on the system. It doesn't have a great lineup, but it still is good.

I ask you, are you biased against Nintendo if none of the games on the Wii appeal to you? Of the three games you mentioned, I have no interest in the EA experiments and had a much better time playing TC on my NDS than Wii.

Yes, if you say or imply that overwhelming majority shares your opinion without backing that up.


Gigglepoo said:
Of the three games you mentioned, I have no interest in the EA experiments and had a much better time playing TC on my NDS than Wii.

Forget about the rest of the discussion, just know that Godfather is not an experiment. After the launch lineup it's without doubt the most polished, fun and fleshed out game to grace the system.


Gigglepoo said:
I ask you, are you biased against Nintendo if none of the games on the Wii appeal to you? Of the three games you mentioned, I have no interest in the EA experiments and had a much better time playing TC on my NDS than Wii.
Not in my opinion, no. That's not bias. I'd prefer an honest opinion like that, and arguments based on those opinions, to this habit of tossing around these ridiculous fanboy labels like n-tard or SDF or Xbot whenever someone doesn't agree to hate something.

Not saying you have done that, but this tactic of "either hate it or I'm calling you an N-tard" is ALL OVER this thread.


Wiitard said:
Yes, if you say or imply that overwhelming majority shares your opinion without backing that up.

It's pretty easy to back it up. Only a small percentage of the world owns a Wii. Best case scenario, Nintendo sell a billion consoles and still hits only 1/7th of the word's people. I would say a majority either don't like the Wii's lineup or don't care.

Seriously, they are just talking about their opinions. If they don't like the lineup or think its just a fad, that's fine. They can think that. If you think it's great and the sky is the limit, that's also fine. Everyone can be right in the early going.

maxmars, I don't like the Godfather (movies at least, the book was pretty good) and don't like EA. I have no interest in playing Godfather Wii.


maxmars said:
Forget about the rest of the discussion, just know that Godfather is not an experiment. After the launch lineup it's without doubt the most polished, fun and fleshed out game to grace the system.

It is an ambitiuos effort which does deserve attention.


Gigglepoo said:
It's pretty easy to back it up. Only a small percentage of the world owns a Wii. Best case scenario, Nintendo sell a billion consoles and still hits only 1/7th of the word's people. I would say a majority either don't like the Wii's lineup or don't care.

They are just talking about their opinions. If they don't like the lineup or think its just a fad, that's fine. They can think that. If you think it's great and the sky is the limit, that's also fine. Everyone can be right in the early going.

This is a ridiculous argument on so many levels. I'm really disappointed with you using it. This is not a serious reply.
The Sphinx said:
Internet fame's not really that big of a deal, y'know? In the end you're another squawking voice with a half-baked opinion, like the rest of us: Only unlike the rest of us you have an internet fanclub.
I'm sure you've hurt him dearly.


Chili Con Carnage!
FartOfWar said:
I have the controllers, but not the table, which they want close to $500 bucks for. USAAF retirement checks love it, though. Plus, I think my girlfriend would kill me for bringing something like that into our small cottage. I can dream.

There's plenty more fish in the sea. When the ladies hear you have a $1000 WW2 flight simulator setup you'll be fighting them off with your wingmans walking stick.


The Sphinx said:
Internet fame's not really that big of a deal, y'know? In the end you're another squawking voice with a half-baked opinion, like the rest of us: Only unlike the rest of us you have an internet fanclub.

But he gets PAID to do it. LOL

Keep up the good work Luke, the show rocks.


Gigglepoo said:
maxmars, I don't like the Godfather (movies at least, the book was pretty good) and don't like EA. I have no interest in playing Godfather Wii.

Too bad, you're passing on a very good game. :D
tanod said:
1UP Yours talks about Insomniac's CCO's statements about the Wii: "ZOMG, 1UP ALWAYS SHITS ON THE WII AND DS EVERY WEEK!! - TEH BIAS"

The one where he has the same opionion of the entire 1up cast????ITTSS A FAADDDD.....:lol :lol


I know this wasn't in this 1up yours, but I heard that in the previous one it was said that MGS4 was definitely coming out this year... can somebody post exactly what they said please...? Thanks a lot. :p
nice show this week, and wtf @ the thread...

why do people continue to come into threads about topics they know they dislike and bash?

oh wait, this is neogaf...


Hey guys off topic but so is everything else in this thread! Instead of waiting for some reasonable priced HDMI cables from monoprice.com, I grabbed the Nyko HDMI "for PS3" cables. Good enough quality?


FartOfWar said:
Yeah, to be fair, you can turn off all of the heavy duty sim calculations, but the true school is all slide rule.

Seriously, Shawn, that "wreck your shit with math" line was so awesome... And actually, your story actually got me interested in what all those guys back in WWI/WWII in the submarines had to go through to blow shit up... Math Warriors indeed!
farnham said:
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games dude

Its mario and sonic.. thats like a fanboys wet dream.. or am i wrong.. if you played games at the SNES and Genesis age (which was the highlight of gaming for me personally) it is really the biggest megaton that could ever happen..

No, Sonic and Mario in Super Smash Brothers would be the biggest megaton ever, this is like a retarded short bus version of that megatonage.


Atlagev said:
Seriously, Shawn, that "wreck your shit with math" line was so awesome... And actually, your story actually got me interested in what all those guys back in WWI/WWII in the submarines had to go through to blow shit up... Math Warriors indeed!
Thanks. I covered the funny bits about Silent Hunter and Il-2 but didn't quite get to why despite all of that they're hot. Il-2 1946, for example, is my favorite shit right now.


keep your strippers out of my American football
FartOfWar said:
Thanks. I covered the funny bits about Silent Hunter and Il-2 but didn't quite get to why despite all of that they're hot. Il-2 1946, for example, is my favorite shit right now.

I just listened to the show and Shawn, you were the funniest part of the show this week. "Wreck your shit with math" was the line of the show and it was cool to have a voice there who wasn't so console-centric and could speak to the aburdity of some things we sit back and accept. This week on GFW, you should talk all about Silent Hunter, lol.
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