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RUMOR: Tales of Symphonia HD Remaster Collection coming to PS3?


Junior Member
Tales of Symphonia is the only game in the series I even liked. The rest of them I've played are garbage (given, I haven't played them all but quite a few). I still own it on the GCN but I would consider an HD remake.


I hope it's not just an HD Port. The game could really use a remake if they're going to milk the series like they always do.

Also Colette has Poison Hammer.
If this is true, then drat. I already picked up this game for the GameCube a while back. And I never had much of an interest for its sequel (mostly because how they screwed up the party system from the first game).
It's worth playing since it's like an extended epilogue. It's not a fully fledged sequel.
The party system being borked is something they've done in all spinoffs up until NDX for some reason. Kinda dumb.
I couldn't stand her either the first few times I played it. But by about your 8th playthrough of any Tales game, when you take the time to get all of the skits for each character and do all of their side quests, they tend to grow on you. I still can't stand Anise from Abyss though... Hey, I tried. Ion dies every time though. XD


I wouldn't be surprised if this skipped the west but I'm importing at launch either way so it doesn't matter to me lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't come to the west but I'm importing at launch either way so it doesn't matter to me lol.

I think it has a good chance of being released in the West regardless.

As for the issue of Nintendo doing the localization before, they'd probably have to redo it anyway especially since it'd be a pain for Namco to gather the old VA to record the new lines from the new content from the PS2 version.


I think it has a good chance of being released in the West regardless.

As for the issue of Nintendo doing the localization before, they'd probably have to redo it anyway especially since it'd be a pain for Namco to gather the old VA to record the new lines from the new content from the PS2 version.

That means that they would have to redo Symphonia 2 as well and I could see them not wanting to do that. I'd like to be wrong but...


That means that they would have to redo Symphonia 2 as well and I could see them not wanting to do that. I'd like to be wrong but...

Not necessarily. They already have a new cast from Symphonia 2 they use for the VA they couldn't get back. (In otherwords, I could see Symphonia getting the remake treatment, and Symphonia 2 getting an upscale with small gameplay changes).

In an ideal world, they'd just use the Xillia engine and redo both games with it (and get ufotable to do the anime cutscenes), but I doubt they'd put the effort.
Tales of Symphonia was really my first JRPG and I love it to this day.

Which is part of the reason I still own it and still have a system that can play it. So as much as I love it, think I'll pass on an HD port. Cheers to those who are into that, and I'm sorry for those who haven't played the game because the truth is that the mechanics in the series have evolved a great deal since then.

But then again... HD Sheena...


Assuming this is true, and I assume it is, as it makes sense- how bad of a spot is Nintendo in when they cannot get a multiplat of a Gamecube game localized by Nintendo, from a company which they hired to help on Smash Bros?

The whole business part of the Tales series has never made sense at all.

Nintendo proved Tales could sell over a million. On a Nintendo platform. IIRC, Symphonia is still one of highest performing Tales games.

Namco's response? Instead of striking while the iron is hot, wait to release a sequel to Symphonia years after the fact. And a lower graphical bar than the original game on better hardware.
The whole business part of the Tales series has never made sense at all.

Nintendo proved Tales could sell over a million. On a Nintendo platform. IIRC, Symphonia is still one of highest performing Tales games.

Namco's response? Instead of striking while the iron is hot, wait to release a sequel to Symphonia years after the fact. And a lower graphical bar than the original game on better hardware.



Namco's response? Instead of striking while the iron is hot, wait to release a sequel to Symphonia years after the fact. And a lower graphical bar than the original game on better hardware.

It looks better than it did when it was being developed. They didn't even want to use many resources on the sequel until the Wii was selling well in Japan. So the game, even though it's mediocre in a lot of areas, could have been a lot worse.

Though to be fair, the Tales fanbase has always been on Sony platforms in Japan. They should have made Abyss multiplatform for the US but didn't.
The whole business part of the Tales series has never made sense at all.

Nintendo proved Tales could sell over a million. On a Nintendo platform. IIRC, Symphonia is still one of highest performing Tales games.

Namco's response? Instead of striking while the iron is hot, wait to release a sequel to Symphonia years after the fact. And a lower graphical bar than the original game on better hardware.

I still feel that if this HD remaster is real, it will come to the wiiu too. Also symphonia 2 sold almost as much as tov even its have less than half on its budget LOL


I can also see it coming to Wii U eventually if it's real. Slap some Off-TV functionality and Miiverse support, and there you go.
I still feel that if this HD remaster is real, it will come to the wiiu too. Also symphonia 2 sold almost as much as tov even its have less than half on its budget LOL

I bought my 360 for Vesperia. That's how much I wanted to play it. Too bad the game didn't do better though. It's quite excellent. Wrong platform I guess.
The whole business part of the Tales series has never made sense at all.

Nintendo proved Tales could sell over a million. On a Nintendo platform. IIRC, Symphonia is still one of highest performing Tales games.

Namco's response? Instead of striking while the iron is hot, wait to release a sequel to Symphonia years after the fact. And a lower graphical bar than the original game on better hardware.

Worldwide. But Namco didn't care and still kinda doesn't care about sales outside of Japan.

It doesn't help that the PS2 port of Symphonia outsold the original game in Japan.


I bought my 360 for Vesperia. That's how much I wanted to play it. Too bad the game didn't do better though. It's quite excellent. Wrong platform I guess.

Vesperia, like a lot of other Tales games, is another example of Namco not knowing how to sell their own stuff. At least they put it on Games on Demand so you don't have to pay 90$ for it on ebay.


It doesn't help that the PS2 port of Symphonia outsold the original game in Japan.

Selling great despite some miniscule extras, long load times (which transferred over to PS2 Tales of the Abyss), worse textures, and a lower framerate in battle (30 FPS vs 60 FPS).


This is why I hope this remaster collection is true, ToS still doesn't really have a definitive version.
We need a PS2 era collection that includes Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Destiny 2 (Jap.), not of games that were already published here.

Baby steps. Also you forgot Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut. ;)


Could they package like, any other game besides Dawn of the New World? I know this is irrational, but I'm almost more inclined to buy a standalone Symphonia HD rerelease.
Vesperia, like a lot of other Tales games, is another example of Namco not knowing how to sell their own stuff. At least they put it on Games on Demand so you don't have to pay 90$ for it on ebay.

Vesperia did fine here; it's Japan that was the issue--and even that wasn't super bad, since it's the best-selling Xbox 360 game of all time in Japan at 200k+.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've found that most people diss Dawn of the New World on reputation and have never actually played it themselves. It's got serious problems but I find it better than a lot of other crap that has come out over here from Namco with the Tales name slapped on.


I've found that most people diss Dawn of the New World on reputation and have never actually played it themselves. It's got serious problems but I find it better than a lot of other crap that has come out over here from Namco with the Tales name slapped on.

Also expectations. It's not meant to be a fully fledged sequel, it's not a mothership title.


Just saw this. Wow, would love this.

PS3/Vita would be perfection, but yeah...

I'd settle for an HD remake on any platform, that's not iOS.

One of my favorite games of all time.


Heh, I wish they'd just include the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia on the disc instead of the shitty Symphonia sequel and then put it out in America. :(


Hope they upgrade Symphonia to the Free Run mode of Ratatosk and other more modern Tales games.

They really should just slap Xillia/Xillia 2's engine on it. The Link Arte system replacing or complementing the Unison Attack system just makes too much sense not to do.

EDIT: And use Vesperia's artstyle. Anyone who's fought Kratos in Vesperia could attest that it'd look beautiful in HD this way. :p
I've found that most people diss Dawn of the New World on reputation and have never actually played it themselves. It's got serious problems but I find it better than a lot of other crap that has come out over here from Namco with the Tales name slapped on.

Possibly, but I bought it Day 1 and hated it quite intensely. Greatly preferred Graces f, even in story and characters. Also preferred Abyss 3D. Not sure what else has released here besides Vesperia with the Tales name on it since DotNW.


I doubt they'll remake anything. At most and if we're lucky, maybe they'll allow us to free run in battle.

The only reason I ask for a remake rather than a "remaster" or hd collection is because if Dolphin is anything to go by, Symphonia looks like shit in HD. The chibi style comes off as blocky and imo it never worked the the 3D format to begin with.


Heh, I wish they'd just include the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia on the disc instead of the shitty Symphonia sequel and then put it out in America. :(

Given that Vesperia is already out in Japan, it is likely to be omitted in this Tales HD collection if the rumour is true. Namco got to sell something to the fans in Japan. As for this game, I have an interest to find out what's good about ToS that the fans, mostly Nintendo crowd, were fond of.


Possibly, but I bought it Day 1 and hated it quite intensely. Greatly preferred Graces f, even in story and characters. Also preferred Abyss 3D. Not sure what else has released here besides Vesperia with the Tales name on it since DotNW.

You're comparing a spinoff to fully featured games though. It's more like an extended epilogue leading to Phantasia.

Given that Vesperia is already out in Japan, it is likely to be omitted in this Tales HD collection if the rumour is true. Namco got to sell something to the fans in Japan. As for this game, I have an interest to find out what's good about ToS that the fans, mostly Nintendo crowd, were fond of.

For most US fans it was their first Tales game, so that's part of it. I mostly enjoyed it since I really adore the Aselia world. It's unfortunately aged poorly compared to newer titles so a remake would be nice if they're going to milk things.
I've found that most people diss Dawn of the New World on reputation and have never actually played it themselves. It's got serious problems but I find it better than a lot of other crap that has come out over here from Namco with the Tales name slapped on.

I hated it because it's a Symphonia sequel that didn't allow you to be the characters you want to be very much. Meaning the originals. You pretty much ALWAYS had to have whiny, annoying Emil in the party, and annoying Marta, who came out so strong at the beginning, ended up being needy and pretty much only useful for her Ougi by the end of the game.

They had to change all of the voices, which I understand, but it sucked.

Monsters, which took up by default 2 slots of your party for much of the game couldn't use items which sucked.

Side quests, were just meaningless 'quests' in areas already played, and had no meaningful dialogue or story relevance. Though if you suffered through a ton of them simply for the sake of prolonging your time with the original characters, sometimes you got a few more skits.

Cooking was only for the monster's benefit.

I did like the rather deep item and item upgrade system, I loved that all of the skits were voiced, and the game had its cool moments, but it as compared to the first it wasn't very good.


Tales of Phantasia Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X fixed those problems. You're allowed to switch out Dio/Mel on a new game plus, and even control monsters or not use them if you don't feel like it.

The voice acting is unfortunate but understandable.
Given that Vesperia is already out in Japan, it is likely to be omitted in this Tales HD collection if the rumour is true. Namco got to sell something to the fans in Japan. As for this game, I have an interest to find out what's good about ToS that the fans, mostly Nintendo crowd, were fond of.

For me personally, it was the anime art style and the multiplayer that initially hooked me. Great story, and a lot of fun can be had doing all of the side quests. The characters are so enjoyable.


Hoping this is a remake and not just an upscale. Symphonia needs some work, looking back.

(Higher resolution) Vesperia graphics would be amazing though. It's a natural evolution of Symphonia's cel shaded look.
Baby steps. Also you forgot Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut. ;)
I hear it's great, but at least I can play the original iteration on an NA PS1 (loved it). I'd rather see a compilation of unreleased games (I hear there are also a couple good ones on the Japanese PSP and DS (but also a very bad one, if I recall correctly)).
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