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RUMOR: Tales of Symphonia HD Remaster Collection coming to PS3?


Please be true. I never did any of the sidequests in the Gamecube version (I would always go to the locations and nothing would happen) and I haven't tried out Dawn of the new World.


If this is true, I hope they redo most of ToS. That 3D chibi shit won't cut it. I wonder if they would have to redo all of the voice acting for ToS too..
If this is true, I hope they redo most of ToS. That 3D chibi shit won't cut it. I wonder if they would have to redo all of the voice acting for ToS too..

I doubt they'll remake anything. At most and if we're lucky, maybe they'll allow us to free run in battle.


Tales of Symphonia is my least favorite of the Team Symphonia games. I would rather a HD version of ToA. What would be wonderful is a compilation of ToA and ToL.

And if Namco ever decides to release Xenosaga HD, I will be there day one.


Tales of Symphonia is my least favorite of the Team Symphonia games. I would rather a HD version of ToA. What would be wonderful is a compilation of ToA and ToL.

And if Namco ever decides to release Xenosaga HD, I will be there day one.

Eww. :|


I don't get the hate for ToL. Honestly it has the best OST in a Tales game. For me. And the story was pretty awesome too. What killed it was the 0 voice acting in the character quests.


I don't get the hate for ToL. Honestly it has the best OST in a Tales game. For me. And the story was pretty awesome too. What killed it was the 0 voice acting in the character quests.

The soundtrack was great. I could not disagree with you more about the story. :p
I don't get the hate for ToL. Honestly it has the best OST in a Tales game. For me. And the story was pretty awesome too. What killed it was the 0 voice acting in the character quests.

It definitely had my favorite cast in the series overall and the soundtrack was fucking amazing, but as a game it was definitely not good.


Symphonia is like the worst 3D Tales of game and DOTW is kinda awful too :S

Can't they just make a Destiny Remake + Destiny 2 HD so there is a chance we get these in English?
These HD remasters are almost never done by the original development teams.

Despite all of the real-time cutscenes, the games do seem to switch over to prerendered for any special effects. And then there is the actual CG. Seems like a lot would have to be redone to get it into 16:9 format. I can't imagine another team working on such a project.

I think our best bet is for then to show up on PSN as emulated PS2 Classics (from what I hear, the BC PS3s don't handle the scenes in 2 well, so it would still require getting them to work properly). But who knows if Namco even has the source code.
To be honest I was actually hoping that ToS would get a full remake with Tatsuro Udo working on the battle system, but I guess that was just too good to come true lol.


Please be true. I never did any of the sidequests in the Gamecube version (I would always go to the locations and nothing would happen) and I haven't tried out Dawn of the new World.

A lot of the sidequests had to be started before/after certain events, otherwise, you lost out on 'em.

I'd love to see HD remasters of Destiny Remake, Eternia and Rebirth though, they could even throw together a HD version of Tales of Phantasia X.

I would throw money at this. LOTS OF MONEY.
Tales of Eternia(PSP) was the only Tales of game I ever played and I liked it very much.
Should I be excited for this one?

I'd wait for an official announcement first :)

As you can see in the thread there are pretty mixed opinions though. It's my personal favourite in the series but I can also see why it isn't for everyone.
Graces f wasn't even out in Europe when they announced Xillia.

You're right, I mixed them up because I imported my copy from the US. Still, pretty sure it came out that they were happy with how Graces F and Ni No Kuni sold in Europe. Not that it should surprise anyone, Europe's been a much bigger JRPG audience than NA for years.


A lot of the sidequests had to be started before/after certain events, otherwise, you lost out on 'em.

Soo true, I had to use FAQs for some playthroughs just to make sure I didnt miss any good sidequests, costumes, etc. I still have my copy somehow, it's not in good shape though because of all the hours I put in it.
A lot of the sidequests had to be started before/after certain events, otherwise, you lost out on 'em.

Eew, this reminds me of Cross Edge's system where certain events are only susceptible after other certain events. Not to mention you had to do them ALL to get the true ending. I still remember that I had to use one TV in my room for a walkthrough, while the other to play a game. Worst idea ever to do that.
Damn it. I came into this thread all excited because of the title, and lo and behold, within the thread it's revealed that it's not Tales of Symphonia, the near masterpiece, but Symphonia: Dawn of the new world, which was a decent game, but a large chunk of crap as compared to the original...


Still holding out for a Symphonia port to 3DS though! Abyss looked great on it, but I wanted Symphonia...


Membero Americo
Damn it. I came into this thread all excited because of the title, and lo and behold, within the thread it's revealed that it's not Tales of Symphonia, the near masterpiece, but Symphonia: Dawn of the new world, which was a decent game, but a large chunk of crap as compared to the original...


Still holding out for a Symphonia port to 3DS though! Abyss looked great on it, but I wanted Symphonia...

It's both.
Ooh, I want!

I wonder if they'll be making these remakes for all Tales games. It would be cool if there was an HD remake of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, though. That game was rad.
Symphonia is like the worst 3D Tales of game and DOTW is kinda awful too :S

Can't they just make a Destiny Remake + Destiny 2 HD so there is a chance we get these in English?

It was the first 3D Tales game. It was awesome. If the graphics were updated, and all of the good battle and menu enhancements that have come along since then, it would be amazing. Story, character, and music wise it's better than Abyss or Vesperia, while Graces f is just o.k. and Symphonia 2, bleh...


I'm not going to get my hopes too high, the Tales games haven't sold well recently and Namco always makes sure that the public knows it...


I'd buy it day 1 as well. Though I don't get the DotNW hate. I rather enjoyed it, even the characters, Marta was cute. The only thing I really didn't like was the restricted "on rails" feeling of the overworld.


Wouldn't the fact that it's both games point towards a localization? SCEA requires at least 2 for an HD Collection, SCEJ dun care and we all know Scamco would Scamco if given the chance ...
Symphonia would need one hell of a remastering with how bad that game's graphics have aged. DotNW isn't nearly as bad off, though, so that'd be easy enough to remaster.

I know they wouldn't do it, but I wish they'd restore some of the numerous content nixed from DotNW.
Baba will not be moved from his assertion that the Tales audience is on the PS3 and only the PS3

Which it is, he's not wrong, but they'll never be able to expand for ports if they don't put even the simplest projects on other things.

Bingo. Baba has clearly said that 1. They focus on Japan as their main market and 2. The userbase for the series is on the PS3. Sales support that statement (but it's also a function of the fact that every game has reliably ended up on the PS platform regardless of whether it was on MS/Nintendo, so if you are a fan, you kinda go to the platform where you are guaranteed to get an original, or a port of the game that was first released on another platform).

The PS3 continues to sell 15-20k a week on Japan and should hit 10 million by the end of the year. Games are actually selling (relatively) well too. Graces f did 600k (more than double the 300k the Wii version of the original did) on PS3. Baba is betting that rather than being on multiple consoles - they can continue to make inroads into the existing PS3 userbase in Japan and abroad by handling localization themselves and deepening their understanding of where their consumers are.

That is different from saying they don't want to do ports to other consoles. Baba said about two weeks ago that if the Wii U got some traction, they would develop for it in the future. You can say he is just bluffing, but he did come out and compliment Nintendo for how helpful they were in getting Symphonia to sell in the West.

Assuming Wii U picks up and Nintendo/Namco come to some sort of agreement, I am pretty certain Wii U will get Tales games - but probably not a timed-exclusive like last-gen.

From Nintendo's perspective, as long as the Wii U can be considered pari passu with the PS3 in Japan for most third party titles over the next 24-36 months, I think they are happy because their own games and whatever collaborations they have, will push sales. It's my opinion that the PS3 (and the Wii U assuming it recovers) will be the console(s) of choice in Japan for the next 24-36 months.

That said, it surprises me that Namco/Baba have supported Vita so much given the tiny userbase - I'm not really sure if the Vita is going to go beyond 3 million lifetime in Japan with Pokemon and MH4 on the horizon... It seems like Namco is missing a golden opportunity to start building a userbase on the 3DS which likely has another four years in it... But I guess if you have limited resources, you focus on where you've had prior success (PS3).


Eew, this reminds me of Cross Edge's system where certain events are only susceptible after other certain events. Not to mention you had to do them ALL to get the true ending. I still remember that I had to use one TV in my room for a walkthrough, while the other to play a game. Worst idea ever to do that.

Abyss was even worse about the sidequests. And it had a ton more of of them too.

You pretty much needed a guide to not miss out on anything.

I wonder if there'll be an option to remove Colette from the game...

If this is true, then drat. I already picked up this game for the GameCube a while back. And I never had much of an interest for its sequel (mostly because how they screwed up the party system from the first game).
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