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The Weekend Confirmed 2014 Thread


I fear we've lost Garnett forever to game development, no matter what he says. At least Cannata should stick around somewhere. If Cannata could somehow get Leahy to stick around on whatever he does, that'd be ideal, because Cannata really does need a devils advocate to be at his fullest potential.

Cannata has his own show with Christian Spicer, called DLC.
We'll miss you Garnett, Cannata and everyone. You've been part of my weekly podcast must listens for years, and hopefully that will continue in some form going forward. Thank you for the great show.


Garnett, Jeff, and Brian have been my favourite podcast trio ever since they first kicked off WC together. I was sad when Brian left, but the other guests managed to fill his presence, not quite the same, but enjoyable in their own ways.

Whenever any of these kind of shows end, I used to always feel conflicted between thinking "wow, this really hits deep" versus "it's just a podcast/show/whatever". But then you realize that when you listen in on a conversation, regularly, for years, it becomes something important to you, and losing it is like losing a friend.

Really hope to see these guys continue soon. I'm just glad we have stuff like DLC to keep us going in the interim.


Yeah, I get a little teary-eyed. What can I say? I'm an emotional guy. Hell, everyone here knows that from how the comments here get to me some times.

Wasn't a sad show, though. I just got a little emotional thinking back about what an awesome four years it's been. So many good times with everyone.

But it doesn't have to be an "end." There's a lot up in the air for me but I do very much hope to keep doing a weekly show. I still have the fire for it.

Didn't listen to WC all the time, but enjoyed it when I did. I was a diehard 1Up Yours listener though, and it's always completely obvious how much you love the podcasting format and you do an amazing job of bringing talented, interesting purple together to talk about gaming or just to shoot the shit.

I look forward to what comes next from you, I'm sure it'll be great.
I don't believe you would be a traitor to games media if u went into development. At the end of the day what matters is YOUR personal happiness. Follow your heart first, that's all you owe anybody

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
What?? This news of it ending has blindsided me. I was a long time listener , then took a break in 2013... Only to jump back in find out the show is over. Bummer!
I can't even listen to the last show, I hate goodbyes. Anyway my personal story about WC is that I would listen to the show every Friday when driving to visit my girlfriend 2.5 hours away on the weekend. We are now married with three kids, but forever I am ingrained with listening to this show in the early part of my relationship with her. :)

... Hey what ever happened to John Davidson? I really liked him on this show a long long time ago. What podcast is he on now?


I'll follow you whatever you do Garnett, my favorite host ever. Wish you all the best whatever comes across your path.

Also I suggest the name: The Video Game Control Room.

We can call it the Control Room for short, and you have your SEO benefits.
Also control room encompasses everything from playing the games, taking an overhead few of the industrie etc etc.


Really hope to see these guys continue soon. I'm just glad we have stuff like DLC to keep us going in the interim.

I like Christian and Jeff and DLC can be entertaining, but they really need to sort out the technical side of things. I can live with the skype sound quality, but some ways into the latest episode the sound got all messed up, with 10 second delays between people on the show meaning total silence for several seconds followed by two people talking at the same time etc. I gave it 15 mins before turning it off.
Also, not sure I see the value in people calling in so far since they have problems with calls at least once every episode, and it seems like they sometimes put people on hold for so long they've already moved on to several new subjects in the podcast once the caller actually gets on air.
I think the show has potential to be great, they just need to work these things out.

... Hey what ever happened to John Davidson? I really liked him on this show a long long time ago. What podcast is he on now?

IIRC, John Davison is working on some kind of social messaging/discussion app for smartphones. He was actually on Jeff's and Christian's podcast 'DLC' (mentioned earlier) a couple of episodes ago.


Neo Member
Yeah, I get a little teary-eyed. What can I say? I'm an emotional guy. Hell, everyone here knows that from how the comments here get to me some times.

Wasn't a sad show, though. I just got a little emotional thinking back about what an awesome four years it's been. So many good times with everyone.

But it doesn't have to be an "end." There's a lot up in the air for me but I do very much hope to keep doing a weekly show. I still have the fire for it.

Regardless of what you want to do, whether it's continue podcasting or go into game development (mobile, PC, console, etc.) you'll always have a group of listeners and fans that will keep up with whatever you're doing and root for you.

If you want to take some time off from podcasting to focus on something else, do it! If and when you come back you'll have a community of people that will be more than excited to hear what you've been up to and what games you haven't beaten (even though you should've)!

In the end you've been providing an amazing, free product that has brought joy to so many people in the years you've been doing it. While I'm sad to see Weekend Confirmed go on hiatus, I know that you'll continue providing the gaming community with amazing content, whether it's a game or gaming podcast, for years to come.

Cheers to you, Garnett, and thanks for such an incredible 200+ show run.

Now you just need to get an XBox One so we can play Rivals together...


I listened to every episode. Was a great accompaniment to Saturday morning gaming.

The fact I listened to every ep is proof enough of how I felt about the show.


Subete no aware

Good times.


Neo Member
I like Christian and Jeff and DLC can be entertaining, but they really need to sort out the technical side of things. I can live with the skype sound quality, but some ways into the latest episode the sound got all messed up, with 10 second delays between people on the show meaning total silence for several seconds followed by two people talking at the same time etc. I gave it 15 mins before turning it off.
Also, not sure I see the value in people calling in so far since they have problems with calls at least once every episode, and it seems like they sometimes put people on hold for so long they've already moved on to several new subjects in the podcast once the caller actually gets on air.
I think the show has potential to be great, they just need to work these things out.

IIRC, John Davidson is working on some kind of social messaging/discussion app for smartphones. He was actually on Jeff's and Christian's podcast 'DLC' (mentioned earlier) a couple of episodes ago.

Delete the episode of DLC you have and try redownloaded it. It was a problem on the mix we were told. We were told they have since fixed it and reuploaded a version that doesn't have those problems.

My first episode of WC was the infamous one where you went crazy about the Diablo 3 auction house. I only listened because someone else swore the show off on a forum because they were sick of your "tantrums". In actuality I found it appealing that you were so passionate and became a loyal listener. I'm sure they're still listening too, complaining every week.

In any case, you don't owe anyone anything, other than to continue to be openly opinionated about games and passionate about their development. If you can keep podcasting, we'll listen. If you can't, your audio career is a testament to your integrity. Thanks for everything!


Neo Member
That was emotional. And I loved it. I cherished every single moment of Weekend Confirmed and I can't wait for the next show to get a name and start!
Just wrapped the show.

Been listening to you Garnett for nearly a decade now. I've picked up other podcasts here and there and I listen to a handful now. But your two shows have the been the only ones that I NEVER miss, and always look forward to. You kept the format tight, the discussion lively, the viewpoints balanced and the devil never lacked an advocate. Other shows might go deeper into certain content but 1UY and WC were the shows that had it all without devolving into a 3 or 4 hour rambleathon.

Thanks man. I've never Kickstarted anything but should another podcast be in the works I will be a backer and certainly a listener.


Wow, I just finished the last episode of my favorite gaming podcast. Everyone has done such a wonderful job and I want to thank all of the hosts and guest hosts for their dedication to providing quality/logical/well thought out commentary about video games. I can't wait to see what comes next but I will definitely miss Weekend Confirmed. Listing to all of the hosts sit around and talk games made me really wish I had friends who really cared about the industry and wanted to talk shop. Oh well, that's what gaf is for :)

P.S. Andrea has some crazy tough skin. I often found myself agreeing with her on the majority of things she said. Even though she got a ton of crap she still hung in there and did her thing. Job well done.


Can't believe it's really over.

Thanks for everything as usual Garnett. I'll follow you anywhere, looking forward to your next show and whatever other gig you get.


Thanks for all the good times guys, especially Garnett. I really hope this is not the last we hear from you folks.
Listened to every single episode and what a great show it was. Huge thank you to Garnett for putting a show together every week and good luck for whatever comes next!

You're one of the best!


Neo Member
Garnett, in response to your question about moving over to development and being a turncoat, I'll let the Bard do the answering for me (okay, so he's talking about marriage, but if you swap out bachelorism and married life with journalism and development, it works beautifully):

I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me because I have railed so long against marriage, but doth not the appetite alter? A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humour? No. The world must be peopled.

When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.


Didn't know this might be the last one, or that there would be a gap until a sequel podcast. Out of the few podcasts I listen to I'm going to miss this. You're an awesome host Garnett, and hope you continue.


Garnett's last segment gave me so many feels, I almost wished the Cowboys could win another Super Bowl...for his sake. For the record, who the F cares about being a 'traitor' -- do whatever it is you love doing, so long as you can make money doing it.

Never been the biggest Spicer fan, but he killed it with his finishing move.

Nikole, Andrea, thank you for continuing to come on the show and be yourselves; I don't think I ever fully understood how big a challenge that has been the past four years.

2 n's, 1 t -- thank you for loving things. As a TRS fan, when Garnett said during the end of 1up Yours that he had a new co-host in mind, I was hoping that it was going to be you. Your energy and enthusiasm (and whimsy) helped make the show what it was.

Leahy, Xav, Ozzy, and Plan B, I think I follow all of you on Twitter because of this show.
Never heard the super early leahy episodes, so this was my first exposure to him. Seriously? This dude is genuinely hilarious. The Garnett, Leahy, Cannata, and Xav combo was as good as any of the old 1up Yours podcasts. Hope when Garnett reforms the show, it includes these guys.

Also, +1 to Garnett doing more house music.


Neo Member
Confession: I got to the studio near the very end of the show, due to an appointment, so I actually listened to the show today for the first time during my round trip to Vegas. I feel absolutely horrible that I forgot to include Jason Paul in the show notes. I didn't even realize he was on until I heard his voice, because he wasn't at the studio when I arrived. That has been fixed. Much love, Jason!

His segment was probably one of the best of the final episode. I got some genuine laughs out of it.

Never been the biggest Spicer fan, but he killed it with his finishing move.

Yeah he did. Just epic.


mik is unbeatable
Did no one else catch the amazing--and wholly unintentional--homage to 1UP Yours in this episode?

When the crew is talking about OlliOlli/Skate, Garnett tries to recall the PS2 game that came bundled with a thumb-sized skateboard. The exact conversation occurred on 1UP Yours with a significant difference: Shane, without a moment's hesitation, blurted out in response. I'm sure it was on the tip on Andrea's tongue, though.

Great episode. Looking forward to what's next.


Wait, I was under the impression that it was just Weekend Confirmed that Gamefly / Shacknews didn't want to pay for and so the guys were going to do that outside of work hours because they wanted to continue doing it, but Garnett's actually leaving ("I'm going to be unemployed")? I thought he was still Editorial Director at Shack - slash - Producer for Gamefly Media's App stuff?
Did no one else catch the amazing--and wholly unintentional--homage to 1UP Yours in this episode?

When the crew is talking about OlliOlli/Skate, Garnett tries to recall the PS2 game that came bundled with a thumb-sized skateboard. The exact conversation occurred on 1UP Yours with a significant difference: Shane, without a moment's hesitation, blurted out in response. I'm sure it was on the tip on Andrea's tongue, though.

Great episode. Looking forward to what's next.

LOL I totally remember that! What episode of 1UP Yours was that?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Man I'll miss this show.

I was so glad to have Andrea and Nicole along for the ride, and Garnett and crew always deserve praise for mixing the genders together more often than most shows.

This was a radio quality program, everyone involved should be proud. Thanks.
I hope the next shows come soon enough. During the last years I have been living overseas this podcast has accompany me every weekend on my way to football training. My teammates know I'm listening to eat, my gf knows about it. The next weekend is going to be difficult :(
Did no one else catch the amazing--and wholly unintentional--homage to 1UP Yours in this episode?

When the crew is talking about OlliOlli/Skate, Garnett tries to recall the PS2 game that came bundled with a thumb-sized skateboard. The exact conversation occurred on 1UP Yours with a significant difference: Shane, without a moment's hesitation, blurted out in response. I'm sure it was on the tip on Andrea's tongue, though.

Great episode. Looking forward to what's next.



I miss having Shane in my life.


mik is unbeatable
That NBA 2K segment was fantastic :lol

It was funny, but also a real shame that what they're making light of is one of the most egregious anti-consumer approaches to a $60 game ever. Glad Spicer at least stepped up to say so.
Weekend Confirmed means a lot to me. I was a listener from episode one. I cannot express how grateful I am for all the energy Garnett, Jeff, Dave and all the guests put into it's production these past four years.

A friend of mine who once worked for Ignition was meeting Shane Bettenhausen for drinks at a hotel bar during E3 one year and invited me as well. Shortly after I arrived Nick Suttner and Garnett showed up and it was an amazing treat to just hang out with those guys and chat about games for an hour. I know personally how passionate Garnett Lee is about his work and can't wait to see what he has in store for everyone.
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