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1Up LAN Party Podcast 12/3/08 (featuring Chuff Love's Gamestop Girl)


rocksolidaudio said:
yes, it is. today though.
Thanks for the heads up! And you and Shane both get props from me for inverting in your fps games. My preferred choice. :D


fps fanatic said:
Thanks for the heads up! And you and Shane both get props from me for inverting in your fps games. My preferred choice. :D

Im at a loss as to how anyone could play any other way. I occasionally try to play normal and I feel like a complete an utter un-co retard.

Inverted is just so much more intuitive.


G-Pink said:

I play non-inverted, and I find it very intuitive for me, but it's just the way my brain is wired.

The only difference is youre wrong and Im right. ;)

Decent article, but his 'theories' as to why people may play in front or behind are pretty bunk IMO. EG. the scientific example where he says scientists may be used to doing calculations in their head so they play behind the head/inverted. Then he says artistic people may be the opposite... well I can see it the other way too with scientists doing science tasks in front of their head like using microscopes or gathering specimens or whatever the fuck.
I thought the podcast was decent. one of the funnier ones with the new lot.
Not much real game talk but then there was only 1 person on this podcast that is a regular PC gamer that spends significant amounts of their own time on games that aren't WOW or other MMOs.


The argument originates from Star Fox on the SNES, and conditioning. Star Fox was one of the first polygon using 3D game for the consoles that needed to rely on a similar control scheme, either inverted or not. Nintendo decided to implement yoke controls, or the equivalent into it. No doubt most people in gaming-age experienced it, and got used to it. The same goes for those who originated on PC games, or other shooters, like Goldeneye, or even Halo. They just got used to it.

For the best imagery, try to imagine a horizontal bar going through your head, from just between your eyes, out the back of your skull. People with inverted controls control vision by using the back portion of the bar, and those that go non-inverted control the front of the bar. (In a vertical motion)

That imagery was the only reason I linked the article really. :p


voltron said:
Im at a loss as to how anyone could play any other way. I occasionally try to play normal and I feel like a complete an utter un-co retard.

Inverted is just so much more intuitive.


I play inverted with my mouse but whenever I use analog sticks I have to use non-inverted for some reason.


I played Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with inverted controls and was fine. Halo came out and its default controls were normal but the dual analog controls felt so different anyways that I just relearned the camera controls. I can go back and forth relatively easily but it takes a good deal of time before it becomes second-nature again. My girlfriend on the other hand, who had never played shooters, found normal to be completely backwards and can only play inverted because it's what comes naturally for her. The thought of what the sticks should control "naturally" just never crossed my mind.
Baha said:
I play inverted with my mouse but whenever I use analog sticks I have to use non-inverted for some reason.
I am exactly the opposite of this. For me, a mouse, being on a completely flat surface, is a simple up=up, down=down affair. An analog stick, however, is rotating around a sphere--like a flight stick, I feel like I should be pulling back (not "down") to look up, and vice versa.
Baha said:
I play inverted with my mouse but whenever I use analog sticks I have to use non-inverted for some reason.
That's the exact opposite to how I would do it for a FPS, with a joystick/analogue stick, then yeah, I could probably see myself playing with inverted (if it wasn't so ingrained in my mind to play normal with a mouse). But with a mouse I see the x-hair as the mouse pointer, it just feels much more natural that way.

Having a x-hair on screen messes with my perception even for third person, in MGO I started playing with inverted (like I had with games like Okami and SotC before) and it felt good. But then I made the switch and the headshots started rolling in even easier than before, and it wasn't that tough of a switch either whereas in Okami it'll feel weird for a long time when I'm moving the "view" (or whatever you'd call it) and not the camera with the stick...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I switch back and forth because I'm just that good.

I need a good 20 minutes with an inverted control scheme to adjust and even after that I'm not comfortable with it. For flight games I do inverted because it makes more sense.

I've never tried inverted with a mouse even though almost every game has the option for it. I can't even begin to imagine how much that would make my head hurt.


I always played FPS games inverted, never even thought about it. Then, about a year ago, I suddenly couldn't handle inverted anymore. It felt totally wrong, so I switched to normal and haven't looked back since. Strange that. But in flight sims and similar, inverted still works better.


Inverted FPS people are obviously retarded. I bet a lot of them are left-handed too. Up=up, down=down. I don't know how much simpler it can get.


voltron said:
Im at a loss as to how anyone could play any other way. I occasionally try to play normal and I feel like a complete an utter un-co retard.
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who can easily shift between either. Especially when I see people claiming they actually can't/won't buy games without the option to switch, I just can't believe it. I usually play with normal, since its the default in most games, and I don't feel like going into the options menu to change it, but if I'm playing a friend's game, it only takes me a minute or so to readjust.
JBuccCP said:
Inverted FPS people are obviously retarded. I bet a lot of them are left-handed too. Up=up, down=down. I don't know how much simpler it can get.
As I explained in an earlier post, I don't think of it as "up" on an analog stick. You're pulling back, towards you.
JBuccCP said:
Inverted FPS people are obviously retarded. I bet a lot of them are left-handed too. Up=up, down=down. I don't know how much simpler it can get.

If the airplane's going down, I hope you're not the one the one the flight attendants get to save us all.


Hail to the KING baby
I've never understood why anyone would voluntarily choose to play an FPS backwards like that. Hint: Human beings (which you are usually controlling in FPSes) are not planes. Don't try to control them like one. Do you also hold the controller upside down when the option is not given to you to have backwards controls?

I don't know why anyone would choose to play at a disadvantage like that, and certainly none of my friends do. Although I have played some L4D and Gears games recently with some pretty questionable people so I assume that's what's going on. If I found out they were purposely gimping themselves like that because of some comfort factor or whatever I would literally boot them from my team right there.


Mac the KNife said:
If the airplane's going down, I hope you're not the one the one the flight attendants get to save us all.
It's not my fault plane designers are dumb.

No, inverted is how it should be in flight games, like a flight stick is in real life. (I assume anyway. I mean, that's how it was on TailSpin.)
JBuccCP said:
It's not my fault plane designers are dumb.

No, inverted is how it should be in flight games, like a flight stick is in real life. (I assume anyway. I mean, that's how it was on TailSpin.)

Yeah, but inverted is the way your head works in real life. It tilts back to look up.


AstroLad said:
I've never understood why anyone would voluntarily choose to play an FPS backwards like that. Hint: Human beings (which you are usually controlling in FPSes) are not planes. Don't try to control them like one. Do you also hold the controller upside down when the option is not given to you to have backwards controls?

I don't know why anyone would choose to play at a disadvantage like that, and certainly none of my friends do. Although I have played some L4D and Gears games recently with some pretty questionable people so I assume that's what's going on. If I found out they were purposely gimping themselves like that because of some comfort factor or whatever I would literally boot them from my team right there.
Why do you care so much?

Inverted controls mean that you're used to controlling the "back" of the head - push forward looks down, pulling back looks up.

Standard controls mean that you're used to controlling from the "front" of your head - pushing forwards pushes the head up, pulling backwards pulls your head down.

I've been using inverted for years, and there's no "disadvantage". I could kick your ass in Unreal Tournament 2004 or Counter-Strike any day. It's just about what you're used to, and where your head was at when you started learning how to play.


Mac the KNife said:
Yeah, but inverted is the way your head works in real life. It tilts back to look up.
Don't pretend like you know my head.

edit: Camera controls in 3rd person games are another matter. Inverted is best there.


JBuccCP said:
Inverted FPS people are obviously retarded. I bet a lot of them are left-handed too. Up=up, down=down. I don't know how much simpler it can get.

It's on old habit and one that I could change if I put effort into it. Also I'm right handed so I wouldn't go making retarded bets if I were you (see what I did there). I don't see what the big problem is, especially if both non-inverted/inverted mouse controls are universal in all PC games. You people act like people who use inverted mouse schemes are lowlifes or something, get over yourselves already.


AstroLad said:
I've never understood why anyone would voluntarily choose to play an FPS backwards like that. Hint: Human beings (which you are usually controlling in FPSes) are not planes. Don't try to control them like one. Do you also hold the controller upside down when the option is not given to you to have backwards controls?

I don't know why anyone would choose to play at a disadvantage like that, and certainly none of my friends do. Although I have played some L4D and Gears games recently with some pretty questionable people so I assume that's what's going on. If I found out they were purposely gimping themselves like that because of some comfort factor or whatever I would literally boot them from my team right there.

Playing shooters with an inverted mouse is not even remotely close to a "disadvantage". I'd seriously love to see the logic behind such a ridiculous statement. Really, this post overall is just moronic.
AstroLad said:
I've never understood why anyone would voluntarily choose to play an FPS backwards like that. Hint: Human beings (which you are usually controlling in FPSes) are not planes. Don't try to control them like one. Do you also hold the controller upside down when the option is not given to you to have backwards controls?

I don't know why anyone would choose to play at a disadvantage like that, and certainly none of my friends do. Although I have played some L4D and Gears games recently with some pretty questionable people so I assume that's what's going on. If I found out they were purposely gimping themselves like that because of some comfort factor or whatever I would literally boot them from my team right there.
Do you realize that when you look up in real life, you are tilting your head back? You are controlling an axis of sight. Obviously it's fine with me that you control games the way you do, but do you seriously, as you say, not actually understand the reasoning behind the other method?


AstroLad said:
I've never understood why anyone would voluntarily choose to play an FPS backwards like that. Hint: Human beings (which you are usually controlling in FPSes) are not planes. Don't try to control them like one. Do you also hold the controller upside down when the option is not given to you to have backwards controls?

I don't know why anyone would choose to play at a disadvantage like that, and certainly none of my friends do. Although I have played some L4D and Gears games recently with some pretty questionable people so I assume that's what's going on. If I found out they were purposely gimping themselves like that because of some comfort factor or whatever I would literally boot them from my team right there.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
If someone had told me a week ago as we were ranting about Tina that this thread would get even more retaded exactly a week from now, I would have laughed in their face and then spat on them.


FartOfWar said:

Well, you can get a pretty good stroke going with your dominant hand (my right in this instance) but it feels so much better if you're tickling the balls which it's hard to do with an offhand.


Aselith said:
Well, you can get a pretty good stroke going with your dominant hand (my right in this instance) but it feels so much better if you're tickling the balls which it's hard to do with an offhand.


Hail to the KING baby
dLMN8R said:
I've been using inverted for years, and there's no "disadvantage". I could kick your ass in Unreal Tournament 2004 or Counter-Strike any day. It's just about what you're used to, and where your head was at when you started learning how to play.

I would do it but how could I possibly know whether you were actually playing backwards? That would be like me seeing "I am a zen master who can play better with his eyes closed, hit me up online and see." :lol

But hey if you wanna throw down anyway hit me up w/ your gamertag.


AstroLad said:
I would do it but how could I possibly know whether you were actually playing backwards? That would be like me seeing "I am a zen master who can play better with his eyes closed, hit me up online and see." :lol

But hey if you wanna throw down anyway hit me up w/ your gamertag.

Since when is a reverse camera akin to playing with one's eyes closed? The amount of stupidity in this thread is staggering, what's so hard to understand about playing with controls you're used to? And gamertag? He mentioned two PC dominant shooters and you challenge him on a console? I hope he kicks your ass either way.


FartOfWar said:
Right handed, invert console fps, non inverted mouse controls. DISCUSS!

rocksolidaudio said:
just stayed late to send the new episode off to production. you guys (and ryan) owe me one.

LAN party and 1up yours, two for the price of none! Thank you. :D
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