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1Up LAN Party Podcast 12/3/08 (featuring Chuff Love's Gamestop Girl)

Brobzoid said:
Regarding the 'unprepared' thing; Jeff Green was always screaming about how they were unprepared, but that show owned so hard each episode was worth a listen.
They skipped a lot of weeks when they felt that it wouldn't be any good though, they even scrapped one (or a few) shows that they thought were terrible if I'm not mistaken.

1up FM take note, instead of this you could've had a thread full of "mid-week denied :(" replies instead.

There's no shame in missing a week if you don't think it'll be up to par.
Danne-Danger said:
They skipped a lot of weeks when they felt that it wouldn't be any good though, they even scrapped one (or a few) shows that they thought were terrible if I'm not mistaken.

1up FM take note, instead of this you could've had a thread full of "mid-week denied :(" replies instead.

There's no shame in missing a week if you don't think it'll be up to par.

It's probably a 'damned if they do, damned if they don't situation'. Also I get the impression that the 1up podcast family is a more regulated thing now. That missing a week is less of an option.

Honestly, given that I listen to podcasts while doing other things anyway so I'm not losing time, I'd prefer to have a podcast every week, even if they aren't always up to the same standard. I'm not really that bothered about posterity.


facing a bright new dawn
Xun said:
Can someone fill me in?



Danne-Danger said:
They skipped a lot of weeks when they felt that it wouldn't be any good though, they even scrapped one (or a few) shows that they thought were terrible if I'm not mistaken.

1up FM take note, instead of this you could've had a thread full of "mid-week denied :(" replies instead.

There's no shame in missing a week if you don't think it'll be up to par.

Whenever I was especially unhappy with a show I would beg to shitcan it. They weren't arguments I always won, but my feeling was that nothing was better than something I couldn't stand by.


Holy crap, I just listened to Idle Thumbs for the first time (started with Episode 8). I decieded to take the plunge after all the positive impressions I've read on QT3 and in this thread. I'm really impressed by it. The show's chemistry, humor and their ability to nonchalantly weave from off/in topic discussions totally caught me off guard. The production values (no skype!) are top notch and they don't filter out any expletives. The fact that they recorded episode 8 twice after tossing their first full recording really gave off an awesome first impression.

Yeah, this (and LAN Party for obvious reasons) are the most Brodeo-like of all the gaming podcasts I've listened to so far. That's like the best complement a podcast can receive by the way (especially since Idle Thumbs doesn't have the luxury of having Max Chill/Chuff/Ryan). Not to mention, that since Remo is on it I'm pretty sure there is going to be some intelligent PC gaming discussion to look forward too.

Its going to take a couple of weeks to decide if Episode 8 was just a fluke episode or not though. But for now I'm liking what I'm hearing. Idle Thumbs could end up a totally awesome safe haven for the large population of Brodeo refugees. My only worry is that since Idle Thumbs is relatively new show that they might get stale after awhile. The Brodeo (a 2 year run) and 1UPYours (3 years+) have been entertaining and stood the test of time. I don't even know whose voice is who on Idle Thumbs yet. But when I do and its half a year later will is still find it entertaining?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
When Dawn Of War II comes out, will anyone on LAN Party play and discuss it? If the answer is no, this show will lose mad credibility. There are a few games that this statement applies to with me. It's a cool and entertaining show, but if serious PC gaming isn't going to be played and discussed, I'll move on to something else.
K.Jack said:
When Dawn Of War II comes out, will anyone on LAN Party play and discuss it? If the answer is no, this show will lose mad credibility. There are a few games that this statement applies to with me. It's a cool and entertaining show, but if serious PC gaming isn't going to be played and discussed, I'll move on to something else.
Chuff is a CoH fan, so I'm pretty certain that he'll play it, Matt got his new rig so I'd say he's pretty much a given as well. I wouldn't worry about that.


Akia said:
Holy crap, I just listened to Idle Thumbs for the first time (started with Episode 8). I decieded to take the plunge after all the positive impressions I've read on QT3 and this thread. I'm really impressed by it. The show's chemistry, humor and how they manage to weave from off/in topic discussions totally caught me off guard. The production values (sound clarity/album cover/music) are top notch and they don't filter out any expletives. The fact that they recorded episode 8 twice after tossing their first full recording really gave off an awesome first impression.

Yeah, this (and LAN Party for obvious reasons) are the most Brodeo-like of all the gaming podcasts I've listened to so far. That's like the best complement a podcast can receive by the way (especially since Idle Thumbs doesn't have the luxury of having Max Chill and Chuff). Not to mention, that since Remo is on it I'm pretty sure there is going to be some intelligent PC gaming discussion to look forward too.

Its going to take a couple of weeks to decide if Episode 8 was just a fluke episode or not though. But for now I'm liking what I'm hearing. Idle Thumbs could end up a totally awesome safe haven for the large population of Brodeo refugees. Let's just hope they don't mess it up.

Hm, gonna check this out, thanks for the impressions. Am listening to Gamers with Jobs right now, first time besides the one that Shawn was on.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Jade was quiet, but when she did contribute, she seemed to be intelligent and articulate.

Jade came close to saving it completely.

Tina...as much as I don't dislike her like some...listening to her sometimes reminds me of listening to my nine year old niece.

"Remember I was trying to get you to say "Who wants to fart?" on End War and see what happened? That was funny...I dunno...whatever..."

Just put Jade on there and let her talk about games. She seems to know the business end of a controller and can actually articulate something worth listening to.

Keep Tina around for sudden bursts of XBL swearing and shit-talking but let her be Flava Flav to Jade's Chuck D.
bigdaddygamebot said:
1Up Yours (Shane saves it) and Retronauts is all that's left.

You're a more loyal person than me. I realized that the cast members of 1UP Yours had nothing interesting or insightful to say so I stopped listening to it. I've almost given up on Retronauts, which is sad because then I won't listen to any gaming podcasts.

It just seems like none of the gaming podcasts I used to listen to can hold my attention any longer. The gaming media is a disaster.


BIVIANO! said:
Make sure you download the other 7. It's nowhere near a fluke.

I got them downloaded and on the iPod already. They'll be something to listen to when there really isn't anything new out.
I've been listening to Gamers With Jobs for probably a year and a half now, and it's a great show, but sometimes I just cannot stand Rob "I hate and whine about everything" Gorges. Still a great 'cast though.


facing a bright new dawn
dead souls said:
You're a more loyal person than me. I realized that the cast members of 1UP Yours had nothing interesting or insightful to say so I stopped listening to it. I've almost given up on Retronauts, which is sad because then I won't listen to any gaming podcasts.

It just seems like none of the gaming podcasts I used to listen to can hold my attention any longer. The gaming media is a disaster.


I haven't finished an episode of 1uy for 3 weeks in a row :(
Blast Processing said:
I've been listening to Gamers With Jobs for probably a year and a half now, and it's a great show, but sometimes I just cannot stand Rob "I hate and whine about everything" Gorges. Still a great 'cast though.

I disagree, I think GWJ would be the best podcast out there if they weren't doing it over skype (I think that's how they do it) and did it in a booth cuz the chemistry's there, just not the timing.

Having Ken Levine on once every month wouldn't hurt either.


Hasphat6462 said:
Having Ken Levine on once every month wouldn't hurt either.

Has Ken been on any episodes besides Episode 100? I haven't listened to this show since the first time they had Jeff Green as a guest.
dead souls said:
You're a more loyal person than me. I realized that the cast members of 1UP Yours had nothing interesting or insightful to say so I stopped listening to it. I've almost given up on Retronauts, which is sad because then I won't listen to any gaming podcasts.

It just seems like none of the gaming podcasts I used to listen to can hold my attention any longer. The gaming media is a disaster.

The tradition of listening to 1Up Yours on a Friday is all that really keeps me listening to it although Shane and John are still my happy place.

Retronauts is usually gold except for the Half Life episode.

1Up FM needs to be cut down to ... well ... the backlog. That's always good.
You really like Idle Thumbs that much? I listened to the latest episode and thought it was good but not great, about on par with GWJ. Didn't find the jokes to be very funny honestly (the guys cracking them seemed to have alot of fun though) and the serious shit weren't very interesting.

Still got potential and I will probably give them a listen another time when they've got more experience. The brodeo was pretty mediocre initially as well.


Both GWJ and Idle Thumbs would be much better if the hosts wouldn't laugh at every little thing:

"My mom, who is a high scool principal" * laughter *
"Brothers in Arms iPhone game" * laughter *
"<anything said by Shawn Elliott>" * laughter *

They can barely contain themselves.


facing a bright new dawn
Yeah I listened to a couple of the other Sore Idle (sry >_<) Thumbs episodes and I did get a bit of a 'tickler stickler tickler stickler' vibe. Its not the best podcast ever, but it was pretty decent.


AgentOtaku said:
Bit late listening to this ....Yeah, this is really awkward and depressing. Turned it off after 46 minutes in...

You made it farther than me. I got 30 minutes in and realized I would be mortified to listen to this with someone else. Thats when I clicked 'forward' on the iPod wheel.
Crescendo170 said:
You really like Idle Thumbs that much? I listened to the latest episode and thought it was good but not great, about on par with GWJ. Didn't find the jokes to be very funny honestly (the guys cracking them seemed to have alot of fun though) and the serious shit weren't very interesting.

Still got potential and I will probably give them a listen another time when they've got more experience. The brodeo was pretty mediocre initially as well.

I see that they have good chemestry together and that they cover various topics of both new and old, plus it's interestesting and the humor is there (although not nearly as much as the Brodeo). I'm not liking it so much that I will go back and listen to the older podcasts, but I'll download from now on.
fushi said:
Both GWJ and Idle Thumbs would be much better if the hosts wouldn't laugh at every little thing:
This is a fair criticism of our most recent episode. I think our past weeks haven't been as bad in that department. Part of this is that we recorded an episode the day before and it was really dry and boring, and we may have overcompensated in the other direction for the second take. (We've never had to do a second take like that before, it was kind of weird.)
You trying to prove the moon landing didn't happen or something?

Mandewd said:
after actually listening to this my hope for the future of this pc podcast is fading. I don't know what it is. I wish they would stop trying to make an entire podcast out of poking fun at Ryan and talk about some games (I don't mind the left 4 dead talk, it's rad, but a little variety would be excellent. I won't try and say that GFW radio had the most high-brow humor, but many of shawn and jeff's stories went far beyond the dick jokes. I find that most of the jokes told are very low-hanging. Maybe i'm just nostalgic

edit:: its not only david who is guilty of being a normal dude!
Looking forward to checking out Idle Thumbs, thanks for mentioning it, whoever originally did.

To throw in the 102nd "My post GFW life" story:

I'm now a loyal listener of GWJ, I listen to 1up FM mainly for the backlog and Anthony's interludes. I listen to quite a few non-gaming podcasts, some that provide quality stories of life, similar to those often heard on GFW (The Moth podcast is prime for that purpose).

I don't feel that listening to 'Lan Party' is a horrible experience (that name...), random chatter about a variety of game news and other such topics that I hold, oh so dear, keeps my workday full of sunshine. They've got something going, at least.

In the absence of GFW I've listened through countless "lets sit around a laptop with beers in Bill's garage and ramble on about one or two of the XBOX games released at Walmart in the last half a year." podcasts. Lan Party is quite a bit more entertaining, considering content being put out by other sources.

I can only imagine what it's like to be working in a non-imperative industry in market conditions such as these. I hope that the existing 1up podcasts continue to be produced. I'll enjoy listening while digging WPA ditches with the rest of you fools.


It's funny how they laughed at the person who wrote in that said the boys were too reserved when the girls were around.

And then Anthony was reserved the whole show, quiet and not his usual self.

Maybe the girls don't intentionally kill the show, but all 3 together were a nightmare, and did nothing to change the stigma that girls have nothing insightful or intelligent to add to a gaming discussion by not discussing anything intelligent or insightful.

Many of us would kill to have the opportunity like a GFW to discuss games, and yet the paid professionals give us this crap. Maybe you'd tell me to start my own podcast, but I get paid to do something else, which I do very well.

I still love you, but you should be sorry for giving us that crap Ryan!


That been said, is GAF in general welcome to the idea that we should stop posting LAN Party episode releases in this forum and stop talking about it until it A) dies, 2) gets a new cast
bran said:
That been said, is GAF in general welcome to the idea that we should stop posting LAN Party episode releases in this forum and stop talking about it until it A) dies, 2) gets a new cast

What an incredibly dumb thing to post. If you don't like it, don't listen and leave it to the rest of us who find it worth our time.


Die Squirrel Die said:
What an incredibly dumb thing to post. If you don't like it, don't listen and leave it to the rest of us who find it worth our time.

Sorry from a brief read of the post I didn't see anybody saying they liked it. My apologies.


Akia said:
Holy crap, I just listened to Idle Thumbs for the first time (started with Episode 8). I decieded to take the plunge after all the positive impressions I've read on QT3 and in this thread. I'm really impressed by it. The show's chemistry, humor and their ability to nonchalantly weave from off/in topic discussions totally caught me off guard. The production values (no skype!) are top notch and they don't filter out any expletives. The fact that they recorded episode 8 twice after tossing their first full recording really gave off an awesome first impression.

Yeah, this (and LAN Party for obvious reasons) are the most Brodeo-like of all the gaming podcasts I've listened to so far. That's like the best complement a podcast can receive by the way (especially since Idle Thumbs doesn't have the luxury of having Max Chill/Chuff/Ryan). Not to mention, that since Remo is on it I'm pretty sure there is going to be some intelligent PC gaming discussion to look forward too.

Its going to take a couple of weeks to decide if Episode 8 was just a fluke episode or not though. But for now I'm liking what I'm hearing. Idle Thumbs could end up a totally awesome safe haven for the large population of Brodeo refugees. My only worry is that since Idle Thumbs is relatively new show that they might get stale after awhile. The Brodeo (a 2 year run) and 1UPYours (3 years+) have been entertaining and stood the test of time. I don't even know whose voice is who on Idle Thumbs yet. But when I do and its half a year later will is still find it entertaining?

I went back and listened to a couple of previous episodes, it's no fluke.
HiFiVictor said:
I can only imagine what it's like to be working in a non-imperative industry in market conditions such as these.
:lol yeah, must be hell on earth. no wonder they can't record a podcast worth shit


Chris Remo said:
This is a fair criticism of our most recent episode. I think our past weeks haven't been as bad in that department. Part of this is that we recorded an episode the day before and it was really dry and boring, and we may have overcompensated in the other direction for the second take. (We've never had to do a second take like that before, it was kind of weird.)

I think the laughter is a big part of the charm of the show. It shows people are having fun with what they are saying, not just mumbling stuff then moving on to the next one liner.

AkuMifune said:
Maybe the girls don't intentionally kill the show, but all 3 together were a nightmare, and did nothing to change the stigma that girls have nothing insightful or intelligent to add to a gaming discussion by not discussing anything intelligent or insightful.


Yeah, I see how it is.


thanks for the laugh
Chris Remo said:
This is a fair criticism of our most recent episode. I think our past weeks haven't been as bad in that department. Part of this is that we recorded an episode the day before and it was really dry and boring, and we may have overcompensated in the other direction for the second take. (We've never had to do a second take like that before, it was kind of weird.)

hey there, i've just spent an hour listening to you talk. it was almost like having a good time all of my own.

The problem with the podcast is there's zero energy or excitement. You can have a Tina or other low-watt personalities if they're balanced with a Jeff Green or Shawn Elliot. Otherwise you just get a really tired sounding podcast. I like everyone on this podcast, just not as a group. I really think some of the more recent lineups to 1ups podcasts have been lacking this balance, including 1upYours.


CartridgeBlower said:
The problem with the podcast is there's zero energy or excitement. You can have a Tina or other low-watt personalities if they're balanced with a Jeff Green or Shawn Elliot. Otherwise you just get a really tired sounding podcast. I like everyone on this podcast, just not as a group. I really think some of the more recent lineups to 1ups podcasts have been lacking this balance, including 1upYours.

This is why I lke the new Legendary Thread, new version launched today, has the most up beat and fast flow to it.


CartridgeBlower said:
The problem with the podcast is there's zero energy or excitement. You can have a Tina or other low-watt personalities if they're balanced with a Jeff Green or Shawn Elliot. Otherwise you just get a really tired sounding podcast. I like everyone on this podcast, just not as a group. I really think some of the more recent lineups to 1ups podcasts have been lacking this balance, including 1upYours.
Eh, I think 1UP Yours has been doing fine, John, Garnett and Shane are all great personalities and have rather good chemistry.

And yeah I'd be surprised if we're getting a lan party this week. Unless someone's uploading the podcast at 9pm, then god bless 'em.


AkuMifune said:
It's funny how they laughed at the person who wrote in that said the boys were too reserved when the girls were around.

And then Anthony was reserved the whole show, quiet and not his usual self.

Maybe the girls don't intentionally kill the show, but all 3 together were a nightmare, and did nothing to change the stigma that girls have nothing insightful or intelligent to add to a gaming discussion by not discussing anything intelligent or insightful.

The guys do get reserved when the girls are around. Most notably when I keep hearing Tina say "thats too much information", or "omg" and the fun ends. :( Alice is cool when it comes to vulgarity though as she doesn't seem to shy away from it at all while around the boys.

Alice is great on 1UP FM and Jade seemed quite intelligent. Honestly, she came across as the most articulate of the bunch. I'd like to hear her again on some other podcasts. Tina is great at being... well... cute i guess.

I think the best thing the PC podcast could do is to do, away with the full cast and instead have Ryan, Robert, Anthony and then have people from around the office on who have been playing PC games or have relevant news to share.

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Unconfirmed Member
Robert Ashley said:
We recorded a show yesterday. Don't know why it didn't go up today, but I'd imagine it'll be up tomorrow.
Thanks for the heads-up. What've you been playing recently that you cover on the show?
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