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1Up LAN Party Podcast 12/3/08 (featuring Chuff Love's Gamestop Girl)

Wow, based on the hate in this thread I was really expecting the worst when I sat down to listen to the podcast.

I thought it was a fine episode -- a bit lite but then it was the Thanksgiving Ep and missing a few key (semi) regulars.

I think both Tina and Alice contributed plenty to the conversation (as they have in the past), although I feel old when the young'uns have no idea what existed prior to the PS1 (NeoGEO/pets.. really?).

Was also nice to hear Ryan say more than 5 words. Anthony was fine as always. Jade (who barely talked) seemed to be as knowledgeable an above average GS clerk (gaming clerk vs. retail clerk that just happens to work at a game store). First time behind a mic she kept pretty quiet -- nothing wrong with that.

Not sure what the hate-on here was about.

As for LAN party as a whole: I will agree that someone needs to step up and lead the podcast -- be that Ryan or someone else. Whoever earlier in the thread that mentioned currently it sounds like a all supporting cast pod is a bit right. A solid podcast needs a leader bee. That's not a cut on anyone by the way, I think this is a damn fine supporting cast begging for the right direction.


Fail out bailed
Chufmoney said:
Thanks for all the intelligent criticism. The bottom line is we haven't been as prepared as we should have, and because the week we recorded that was a holiday week, we were down both Matt and Robert. We had to kind of throw together a show in the last minute, and then we had to figure out something we could all talk about semi-coherently.

In the future we definitely are trying to have more planned out parts. It'll still not be segmented, but we're working on coherence -- playing games together and the like.

I promise things won't always be so crazy. We could have just recorded nothing -- and perhaps we should have -- but we were just in a rush and it showed. Don't give up on us yet!
Gaffers are fickle. One lackluster episode may get a "its the end of the fucking world!" reaction, but I think a lot of us enjoy the show just fine.
If you think they woul give up on you I think the Heroes thread is proof that you can do whatever you want and they wont:lol


good episode, altho i missed Matt in this one.

thank you Jade for sharing some more Dead Space love. great game.


Alice seems more of a gamer, but I agree there's way too much console talk and not enough PC talk in general.


Acid08 said:
Gamers with Jobs is such a great podcast. Thought I'd let you all know.

yeah, I used to listen to them a couple years ago. then stopped. I can't quite remember what happened. Either they stopped podcasting or some people left the show...

Anyway, it's good to get back into the show. I think I'm gonna try to make a weekly GAF thread for it. Their topics of discussion are pretty damn good.


Chufmoney said:
Thanks for all the intelligent criticism. The bottom line is we haven't been as prepared as we should have, and because the week we recorded that was a holiday week, we were down both Matt and Robert. We had to kind of throw together a show in the last minute, and then we had to figure out something we could all talk about semi-coherently.

In the future we definitely are trying to have more planned out parts. It'll still not be segmented, but we're working on coherence -- playing games together and the like.

I promise things won't always be so crazy. We could have just recorded nothing -- and perhaps we should have -- but we were just in a rush and it showed. Don't give up on us yet!
I've listened to LAN party since before you guys decided on the name and I enjoy the show. This weeks show (really last week's?) show felt weird due to the fact of no Robert or Matt, it was a holiday, and there was a different line up. It kind of felt like there was an awkwardness with everyone on this particular show. As if this show was you guys' first one. I think one thing that'll really help out the cause is someone helping Matt finally finish putting together that PC so he can start enjoying some PC games. The dude genuinely sounds anxious to start playing on a PC. I don't even game on a PC but I hope to get a new PC within the next year or so, particularly so that I can play that new Black Mesa mod. That looks incredible. And like you said, you don't have to really break the show up into segments, but maybe have some topics or news stories on hand to discuss. And like someone else mentioned, no need for Tina to say just kidding after every crack at Ryan or whoever. Though I don't think she says it too much anymore. You guys have been together for a minute already, we know that ragging on each other is outta love, no malicious intent. Oh, +1 to Tina for looking forward to Killzone 2. ;) Gracias por escuchar!


jade's impression for dead space is not bad all even if its short
I wonder if alice's attitude of "i dont know" is the result of last minute podcast. IF not take her off.
Bobito matt needs to come back. I'm still waiting for their fallout 3 impression
I dl'd the last two episodes of GwJ. This is what I'm looking for! Well-recorded people discussing games, not bad television shows or what they had for lunch. Thanks for the recommendation.


MaritalWheat said:
This is the same reason I'd also recommend Idle Thumbs. Plus they've got hilarious little songs most weeks and numerous strange ways to get to their site:

Thank you so much for this recommendation. I honestly have not laughed as much in years. I had tears streaming down my face.

I was coming off podcast fatigue too, after having just finished Giant Bomb (which is good too, but my interest starts to waver around 1 and a half hours in a podcast), I thought I'd just listen to the start of Idle Thumbs and see what it was like. I ended up glued to the damn thing, listened all the way through, then downloaded every other episode on my iphone and listened to another one.

God, such a great podcast. As someone who has never listened to a non 1up podcast ever, until yesterday. I have to say my eyes have been opened.
Mar_ said:
Thank you so much for this recommendation. I honestly have not laughed as much in years. I had tears streaming down my face.
the now dead shacknews podcast also had chris remo and nick breckon on there. for most of them. was really nice.. until remo left shack. and 'a sponge' ruined it (damn you moron)


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Robert Ashley said:
Wow, this is the most gaf traffic I've seen for any LAN Party. I should never come back.

Come back when you've played PC games on PC. ;)


I really liked this episode. But yeah, they should play more PC games. Other than that it would've been perfect with Robert and Matt.
Robert Ashley said:
I'm not going to change my gaming habits for anyone. Luckily, I've been playing nothing but Fallout 1.
You just sold me on next week’s podcast.

*also note that Matt was on the Fallout episode of Retronauts, expectations are on an all-time high.
Mar_ said:
Thank you so much for this recommendation. I honestly have not laughed as much in years. I had tears streaming down my face.

I was coming off podcast fatigue too, after having just finished Giant Bomb (which is good too, but my interest starts to waver around 1 and a half hours in a podcast), I thought I'd just listen to the start of Idle Thumbs and see what it was like. I ended up glued to the damn thing, listened all the way through, then downloaded every other episode on my iphone and listened to another one.

God, such a great podcast. As someone who has never listened to a non 1up podcast ever, until yesterday. I have to say my eyes have been opened.
Wow, thanks man. High praise indeed. It's nice to see our show slowly get some GAF traction.


I didn't find this podcast to be bad at all. There was dead air at some points but the room was filled with girls so they were probably checking on their periods or something.

Side note here. I remember not too long ago that Anthony had a song on 1up FM called Amanda or something. Anyone know where I can get a hold of that?


How the hell are you involved in Video Games when you don't even know what a Neo Geo is and haven't even played Half Life till a nerd gifts to you 10 years after the fact????

Jesus, I'm done as long as "Jeff Green's baby girl" is on this show.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
NYR said:
How the hell are you involved in Video Games when you don't even know what a Neo Geo is and haven't even played Half Life till a nerd gifts to you 10 years after the fact????

Jesus, I'm done as long as "Jeff Greens baby girl" is on this show.
You can't blame people for not being born at the right time.


Rez>You said:
You can't blame people for not being born at the right time.

I was born long after the Colecovision and Atari came out, and still know what they are, but it isn't my job to know...it is hers, though.


I find Tina somewhat annoying, but not knowing what a Neo Geo is or not playing Half-Life has no effect whatsoever on her job or ability to add to a podcast. She's a community manager (I think) who occasionally does reviews. Not a video game historian. The only games she has to play or know about are the ones she's reviewing or discussing on a podcast.

edit: See! Look at me! I didn't even know Neo Geo has no hyphen! I am not worthy of GAF!


JBuccCP said:
I find Tina somewhat annoying, but not knowing what a Neo-Geo is or not playing Half-Life has no effect whatsoever on her job or ability to add to a podcast. She's a community manager (I think) who occasionally does reviews. Not a video game historian. The only games she has to play or know about are the ones she's reviewing or discussing on a podcast.


force push the doodoo rock
On the other hand, I would probably enjoy a podcast centered around Tina for the first time playing all the games we internet super-geniuses have played.

Next week she should play Guardian Heroes.


If there isn't going to be any PC discussion you might as well have Shane on to keep it interesting. Especially when Robert isn't around.


Confirmed Asshole
JBuccCP said:
I find Tina somewhat annoying, but not knowing what a Neo Geo is or not playing Half-Life has no effect whatsoever on her job or ability to add to a podcast. She's a community manager (I think) who occasionally does reviews. Not a video game historian. The only games she has to play or know about are the ones she's reviewing or discussing on a podcast.

edit: See! Look at me! I didn't even know Neo Geo has no hyphen! I am not worthy of GAF!
But Tina DOES play HL. As was discussed in the recent Retronauts episode.

How good she is at her job isn't transparent for us, I agree.


facing a bright new dawn
Mar_ said:
Thank you so much for this recommendation. I honestly have not laughed as much in years. I had tears streaming down my face.

I was coming off podcast fatigue too, after having just finished Giant Bomb (which is good too, but my interest starts to waver around 1 and a half hours in a podcast), I thought I'd just listen to the start of Idle Thumbs and see what it was like. I ended up glued to the damn thing, listened all the way through, then downloaded every other episode on my iphone and listened to another one.

God, such a great podcast. As someone who has never listened to a non 1up podcast ever, until yesterday. I have to say my eyes have been opened.

I will also speak up in favor of the Sore Thumbs podcast. I tried an episode not too long ago and do not remember any of it (it was during work and I had to do something and stopped paying attention to the noises coming out of my headphones). I did just give the most recent episode a listen while playing WoW, however, and it seemed pretty great. The fact that these guys re-recorded a podcast not because of technical difficulties, but because their earlier version wasn't of good enough quality, makes a good impression at least.
I think most of the criticism is harsh, however I agree this weeks show was generally uninteresting.

To be fair Ryan did say they were unprepared, and it showed.
Igo said:
If there isn't going to be any PC discussion you might as well have Shane on to keep it interesting. Especially when Robert isn't around.

Then I could resubscribe to the LAN party.

If you're getting as tired of 1up podcasts as I am.

You can't go wrong with the Bombcast.

Gamers With Jobs is good too although they lose their fuckin' minds from time to time.

1Up Yours (Shane saves it) and Retronauts is all that's left.

Opus Angelorum said:
To be fair Ryan did say they were unprepared, and it showed.

And that's the whole thing. 1Up FM did the same. If you're not prepared, then just don't do it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
bigdaddygamebot said:
Then I could resubscribe to the LAN party.

If you're getting as tired of 1up podcasts as I am.

You can't go wrong with the Bombcast.

Gamers With Jobs is good too although they lose their fuckin' minds from time to time.

1Up Yours (Shane saves it) and Retronauts is all that's left.

And that's the whole thing. 1Up FM did the same. If you're not prepared, then just don't do it.
To be fair, I like listening to 1up FM. If you hear them say they're unprepared at the beginning, hit the stop button. Simple as that.
Opus Angelorum said:
I think most of the criticism is harsh, however I agree this weeks show was generally uninteresting.

To be fair Ryan did say they were unprepared, and it showed.

I was expecting the worst based on this thread and having two of the major contributors absent but this seems to be yet another NeoGAF, look at me Drama Queen, toys out the pram overreaction.

I thought Alice came across as lively and involved. I also thought it was funny when she would step on Anthony's toes and knock the foundations out from his jokes.

Jade was quiet, but when she did contribute, she seemed to be intelligent and articulate.


Trucker Sexologist
Igo said:
If there isn't going to be any PC discussion you might as well have Shane on to keep it interesting. Especially when Robert isn't around.
Or you could run Sony ads during breaks. It would amount to about the same thing.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Jade was quiet, but when she did contribute, she seemed to be intelligent and articulate.

Indeed, I only found Tina to be midly annoying. It was the lack of focus, awkward pauses and cheap digs that brought the show down.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Regarding the 'unprepared' thing; Jeff Green was always screaming about how they were unprepared, but that show owned so hard each episode was worth a listen. I hope these other shows like FM and LAN party don't think that they can replicate that success by merely being unprepared, because GFW was held up by the personalities on that show and that they were capable of winging great discussions and tell superb stories without much trouble.

Not trying to shit on the people on those shows, but none of them seem capable of freestyling like bobito, shane, sharkey or parish. And that's why Retronauts is a great show, even if they are talking about shit they don't know (master system).

So in conclusion; prepare pls. or get the freestyle crew in the booth to save your asses.
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