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First reviews for David O. Russel's AMERICAN HUSTLE

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Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I feel like Adams is getting overshadowed. I think she had the second best performance in the film after Bale.


I just got back from the movie and had a blast, Russell's best movie since three kings for me. And Louis CK stole the movie for me.


It was excellent. Someone said it's Goodfellas with con artists, pretty apt. Incredible to think that dude was Batman, wow.


Now i want to see this movie. I love movies like Goodfellas,Casino and Boogie Nights for example those are still masterpieces to me. This has a amazing cast for sure.
What the eff. I saw Llewyn Davis a few days ago and I still think this is my movie of the year.

Phenomenal movie. I'm stunned.

I saw Llewyn Davis the day after American Hustle, I was let down a bit. Not that I didn't like it, but I always have high expectations for the Coens and AH also raised the bar.
Now i want to see this movie. I love movies like Goodfellas,Casino and Boogie Nights for example those are still masterpieces to me. This has a amazing cast for sure.

this movie is nothing like good fellas and casino. Nowhere near them. There's one scene that resembles them, but that's it.

movie was alright, but a tad bit too long. The whole flashback scene in the beginning was pointless. All it did was slow the movie down and made it longer than it should've been.

besides a few moments here and there that got a laugh from the movie, everything else was cut and dry.

and Amy Adams was looking rough. How old is, in her 40s?

aside from SLP which I haven't seen, this movie is russells worst film.
in that one scene without makeup she was looking pretty old

still hot.. though wasn't particularly impressed by her performance
this movie is nothing like good fellas and casino. Nowhere near them. There's one scene that resembles them, but that's it.

movie was alright, but a tad bit too long. The whole flashback scene in the beginning was pointless. All it did was slow the movie down and made it longer than it should've been.

besides a few moments here and there that got a laugh from the movie, everything else was cut and dry.

and Amy Adams was looking rough. How old is, in her 40s?

aside from SLP which I haven't seen, this movie is russells worst film.

Such bullshit


It was a good movie. Not spectacular film, dragged on too long, but ot was definitely worth the price. Hope "Wolf of Wall Street" is good too.


I found myself checking the time on my phone during the extended opening flashback, despite some pretty interestingly composed shots. Dragged too long. I almost wonder if it wasnt a flashback at first, but became one in order to be like "No guys trust us this leads somewhere"

After that though, I thought the movie was fantastic. Excellent performances and the constant snowballing caused by the more unstable characters did leave me unsure as to how things would resolve (
I was honestly expecting a far more bleak ending
). Too bad we never heard the end of the ice fishing story
I'm going to give you a chance to step away from this thread.

Moments later...

So my family saw this instead of The Hobbit yesterday. I was lind of pissed because I didn't have any interest in seeing this at first.

That being said..... I'm really not sure how to feel about this movie. Some parts of it were great and some parts were just boring. It went on for too long IMO but the characters were pretty great. It feels like they never had a consistant tone. It seems to travel from funny to serious dialog about the lives they've chosen and then some times it just gets silly, and I mean really silly in a way and didn't fit the rest of the movie.

I thought Amy Adams characters kind of faded away for most of the middle of the movie. They spend lots of time with her early but then all of the story and comedy gets funneld through Jennifer Lawrence. It felt like they didn't originally plan for Jennifer's character to do as much as she did but then they gave her way more to do and I don't know if it worked.

I would recommend it but overall I think a much tighter more consistant movie could have been made. Louis CK is really good but honestly I didn't think it was him at first. I thought it was too fat to be Louis CK :p
Finally saw this movie yesterday and I would say the movie is just ok. It didn't need to be as long as it was. It had some seriously funny parts through out and the actors performances were good. The cameo half way through the movie kinda cracked me up. Aside from that it was enjoyable enough. If I had to use one word to describe the movie I would say incoherent.

And I don't think there was any scene where Amy Adams wore a bra. Jesus Christ all the dresses she was wearing in this movie. Damn!!


Saw it yesterday and was kind of disappointed. It was okay, not bad, but nowhere near as interesting or memorable as Silver Linings Playbook or The Fighter. It was kind of messy and all over the place; took forever to get going and didn't feel like it really built to much.

Bale was great, Renner was uncharacteristically lively (I typically like him anyway but this was a surprisingly fun performance), and I enjoyed Lawrence too. Cooper was fine. I actually thought Adams kind of sucked in this; whenever she wasn't copping her accent, her line readings sounded totally flat.

It was an alright movie, but given how much I loved Silver Linings and (to a lesser extent) The Fighter, it was something of a disappointment.


Was pretty decent. I went in not knowing anything and was expecting a comedy based off of some friend talk. Didn't get that but I still enjoyed myself.

Amy Adams and Bale gave the best performances and goddamn did Adams rock those slinky clothes.

Was surprised by the cameo of
and wished he would have been in the film a bit more.

Edit- To clarify I thought ll of the actors did a great job. Felt bad for Renner's character throughout the whole act.

Dead Man

Was not as impressed as I expected. Bale, Adams, Renner and Lawrence were awesome in the roles, but visually it was too focussed on being a weird caricature of all the worst of 70's design I thought, I found it very distracting. Like it was more a of a period piece than anything else, and missed any subtlety about the costumes and sets.

The narration at the start was pretty bad too I though, too much telling, not enough showing.

Minor gripe about Lawrences character:
for someone introduced as getting axiety about meeting people she sure took off with the mob guys. I get that everything about her was deceptive, but that just tsruck me as weird the way it was written.

It was not a bad movie by any means, but the praise it is getting seems overboard.
I saw it last night. It's pretty damn good.

Bale did extremely solid as expected, everyone else did a great job, and for me, Cooper kinda stole the show.

That one scene when they're celebrating and he's clowning on Louis CK is so hilarious.

Awesome movie for sure.


Like it was more a of a period piece than anything else, and missed any subtlety about the costumes and sets.
There was nothing subtle about this film. 12 Years a Slave boasted more subtlety than this film.
Thankfully I enjoyed this movie more than 12 Years... albeit not as much as Silver Linings Playbook which I re-watched later the same evening.
I feel like I've seen a half-dozen films just like this one with con men getting conned by other con men... and then turning the tables on said con men.
This is no The Usual Suspects, however.

I gave Silver Linings a 9 out of 10.
American Hustle gets an 8 out of 10. Currently sits 9th on my top movies of the year list.

Jeremy Renner surprised me the most considering I haven't much cared for him in many of the more notable roles he's had (i.e. The Hurt Locker, The Avengers, etc.).


OK movie. Drug out waaay too long. Could have cut Lawrence's entire character to tighten up the film and not much would have been missed.


OK movie. Drug out waaay too long. Could have cut Lawrence's entire character to tighten up the film and not much would have been missed.
=[ I really liked J. Law. I wouldn't want her cut completely, though a few scenes did feel unneeded. And I agree overall that the pace dragged a bit in spots.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
OK movie. Drug out waaay too long. Could have cut Lawrence's entire character to tighten up the film and not much would have been missed.

Without her Character, the whole last third of the movie would've been impossible. Plus she brought him and Amy Adams back to human level.

I thought all 4 core characters where very well written.


I really enjoyed it even though 47 Ronin was blasting next door and the dialogue was hard to follow at times.

Amy Adams to be nominated for least supported actress for sure.
Was entertaining, but not a great film as it had no real meat underneath the performances. Jeremy Renner's character was a treacle-y caricature, and the Lawrence arc didn't make any sense. Worst of all the ending was far too pat. I would be curious what the original script looked like before Russell rewrote it to be an over-the-top character piece--supposedly it was more like Argo and was being shopped to Affleck.
Saw it again. I think it's better the second the time.

My friend couldn't get into it cause he felt everyone was trying too hard, I on the other hand felt everyone brought their A game.
I saw this movie the other day and I thought it was surprisingly great. Not sure I would call it a classic, but I was damn impressed. I can't stomach Bale for the most part, but he was brilliant in this. Also loved dat cameo.

About to go HAM

Neo Member
Just came back from seeing it. Best movie this year!...of last year.

Really well done. Possible plot holes, i'll need to see again... I felt like the cast were all a the top of their game.

I laughed way more than anyone else in the theater...so maybe I enjoyed it more than most.

My friend couldn't get into it cause he felt everyone was trying too hard
Strong disagree.

Except maybe Cooper. I'm still reeling from his previous roles, and so I feel he struggles to have chemistry with anyone he's on screen with. Very minor here.
Okay question:

How did the Mexican sheik know how to speak Arabic to Dinero? I thought he said he only knew a couple phrases in Arabic. And even then, why'd he wait so long to respond?

Great movie tho. Favorite of 2013.
Saw it yesterday, I liked it. Not much in the way of substance but it was a good laugh.

It was pretty much a wacky version of Casino which is one of my favourite movies ever. The parallels were hard not to notice
Okay question:

How did the Mexican sheik know how to speak Arabic to Dinero? I thought he said he only knew a couple phrases in Arabic. And even then, why'd he wait so long to respond?

Great movie tho. Favorite of 2013.

Sorry to bump, but I'm really interested in hearing the answer to this.

Camp Lo

Sorry to bump, but I'm really interested in hearing the answer to this.

He said he knew some things but we didn't give the benefit of the doubt because we figured the meeting was going to flop without the original guy.

Excellent movie, tied with Gravity for best of 2013 for me


Okay question:

How did the Mexican sheik know how to speak Arabic to Dinero? I thought he said he only knew a couple phrases in Arabic. And even then, why'd he wait so long to respond?

Great movie tho. Favorite of 2013.

I just assumed Bale/Cooper prepped him with a few phrases to make himself believable in case he needed to. They don't really explain it in the film, but I'm not sure they needed to.
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