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First reviews for David O. Russel's AMERICAN HUSTLE

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I really really hated it. Can't really seem to pinpoint why. I can see what the director was attempting. Objectively, I can say the actors did a good job (what was asked of them). The soundtrack was good. But taken as a sum of its parts, it just didn't click for me. The last time I had such a negative reaction to a movie was Juno. Only reason I sat through it after the first hour was to hear the ending of the ice fishing story.
I just assumed Bale/Cooper prepped him with a few phrases to make himself believable in case he needed to. They don't really explain it in the film, but I'm not sure they needed to.

Well he could barely say Asalamu Alaikum, but then he spits out like 3 sentences in fluent Arabic after an awkward pause.
I really really hated it. Can't really seem to pinpoint why. I can see what the director was attempting. Objectively, I can say the actors did a good job (what was asked of them). The soundtrack was good. But taken as a sum of its parts, it just didn't click for me. The last time I had such a negative reaction to a movie was Juno. Only reason I sat through it after the first hour was to hear the ending of the ice fishing story.

yep. I thought this movie was really disappointing.


I really really hated it. Can't really seem to pinpoint why. I can see what the director was attempting. Objectively, I can say the actors did a good job (what was asked of them). The soundtrack was good. But taken as a sum of its parts, it just didn't click for me. The last time I had such a negative reaction to a movie was Juno. Only reason I sat through it after the first hour was to hear the ending of the ice fishing story.

Same here. It was excruciating to watch. The only reason I stayed was because I wanted to see what other ridiculous outfits Amy Adams would wear.


Love Renner. Bale was good, probably not the guy I'd choose to play a fat, bumbling schlub, but good. Lawrence was hot, although a little young for the role. And once again, Bradley Cooper is completely overmatched by a role. I blames SLP on Russell, but now I'm thinking both these movies fell way short because of Cooper.

Camp Lo

I really really hated it. Can't really seem to pinpoint why. I can see what the director was attempting. Objectively, I can say the actors did a good job (what was asked of them). The soundtrack was good. But taken as a sum of its parts, it just didn't click for me. The last time I had such a negative reaction to a movie was Juno. Only reason I sat through it after the first hour was to hear the ending of the ice fishing story.

Weird synopsis but OK.


Cooper felt very in place with this movie. The way he acts in his movies with the fast talking yet self depreciating tone worked well for this.

While everyone felt good and placed well, Adams
and her sexy ass
I felt was the biggest highlights acting wise.
I think the Bradley Cooper performance works once you realize he's pretty much been coked out the entire time.

And Amy Adams was the standout to me, but I understand why Lawrence is getting all the attention.


You go the Ruffalo Buffalo instead of Bale and Kevin Corrigan instead of Cooper and now we're talking. Of course, Russell is in love with his celebrity friends so that will never happen.
Was anyone else bothered by the idea that you would be ice fishing in October when lakes don't even freeze in Michigan until December? Unless there's some really cold part of the UP I am unaware of.

Funky Papa



*explosive nosebleeds*
Was anyone else bothered by the idea that you would be ice fishing in October when lakes don't even freeze in Michigan until December? Unless there's some really cold part of the UP I am unaware of.

Nope I'm from Minnesota and thought the same thing. Doesn't make sense. It's rare to even be on the lakes in November for that matter.

Anyway I saw the movie thought it had terrible pacing. Decent acting but I don't think anyone deserves an award. Definitely one of my least favorite films of the year.
Nope I'm from Minnesota and thought the same thing. Doesn't make sense. It's rare to even be on the lakes in November for that matter.

Anyway I saw the movie thought it had terrible pacing. Decent acting but I don't think anyone deserves an award. Definitely one of my least favorite films of the year.

I could rationalize it that the guy was a liar or idiot, but what it really came off as was make fun of the guy from Michigan by a screenwriter with no clue. I didn't love that.


Love Renner. Bale was good, probably not the guy I'd choose to play a fat, bumbling schlub, but good. Lawrence was hot, although a little young for the role. And once again, Bradley Cooper is completely overmatched by a role. I blames SLP on Russell, but now I'm thinking both these movies fell way short because of Cooper.
I hate "In Media Res" and I realized after the movie ended why they opened with it- it's the only time we really see "schlub" Bale. The rest of the time they disguise him with glasses to keep us from noticing the attractive actor underneath.


The acting and the soundtrack was pretty good but I felt pretty empty when I left the theatre. I didn't find the plot to be very interesting or well put together and I thought the first 30 minutes were excruciating. The movie was very unsatisfying.


The acting and the soundtrack was pretty good but I felt pretty empty when I left the theatre. I didn't find the plot to be very interesting or well put together and I thought the first 30 minutes were excruciating. The movie was very unsatisfying.

That's how I felt. I did enjoy the movie, but I got nothing out of it. I didn't care for what happened and had no investment whatsoever with any of the characters. After the movie I felt like I just watched a 2 hour advertisement for Oscar nominations, but unlike The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook I at least found the movie enjoyable enough.


I thought it was fine.

Loved Cooper busting in on the family lawyer. His transition from hard cop to apologetic moron is remarkable.

About to go HAM

Neo Member
I just assumed Bale/Cooper prepped him with a few phrases to make himself believable in case he needed to. They don't really explain it in the film, but I'm not sure they needed to.

He said he had some other phrases as well. Easy to miss as he only quickly mentioned at the end of a scene

The acting and the soundtrack was pretty good but I felt pretty empty when I left the theatre. I didn't find the plot to be very interesting or well put together and I thought the first 30 minutes were excruciating. The movie was very unsatisfying.

Hmm, this is the reaction I see my friends having. I think if you're not in it for the actors and the director then one might be legitimately short changed. The Fighter was great for me, and Playbook had a lot of things I liked about it so I was looking forward to another David O. Russell film and "knew what I was in for" in a manner of speak.


Movie was rad.

Saw it on a massive screen with an up for it audience. From the start when the music kicks in I said not bad,but as it went through it got better and better. Has Renner ever had a more greater role that you actually believed hm in? And the scene where Bale goes to his house, dem feels...That scene where Cooper and Adams walk through the smoke. Magnificent. The disco scene with the strobing lights,that scene stealing cameo..Jennifer Lawrence is general, she really needs to do a comedy as she was hilarious.

Although O. Russel is a massive asshole and It's a damm shame as his a great director. I got told a few stories by a very close friend who had to work on AH in post production about his behaviour.
Just saw the movie last night. Really enjoyed it, but not as much as SLP. My main gripe was that the build up to Alphonse Simone didn't lead to a Chris Tucker cameo.
Finally saw it last night.

I wasn't as big on it as everyone else seems to be. The first half of the movie kind of felt like someone excitedly telling a story that honestly isn't all that interesting. They try to hammer in certain points to get a laugh or ask "can you believe it" but it falls flat. It's like the characters are all acting in a goofy, outrageous comedy while the plot is a dull courtroom drama.

I don't know if it was my theater or if the sound mixing was off, but a lot of the characters whispering and talking over each other was damn near unintelligible.

The second half of the movie really picks up and ultimately redeems the whole thing just enough where I can say that I enjoyed the movie.


I'm afraid I fall into the "I don't get it" crowd. It seemed more preoccupied with wading through bags of smart alecky dialogue than telling a story or engaging the audience. Also had an identity crisis; it wasn't outrageous enough to be a comedy and it wasn't heavy enough to be an effective crime drama, causing it to fall into an awkward middle ground that left me completely underwhelmed =/
the only memorable part of the entire film begins and ends with Bob Deniro. The rest is just "stuff" delivered in a flashy, glitzy, somewhat clever manner.


the only memorable part of the entire film begins and ends with Bob Deniro. The rest is just "stuff" delivered in a flashy, glitzy, somewhat clever manner.

I like the metaphor MovieBob used for that moment: "it was as if George Harrison got up on stage with the Monkees" :p


holy shit, is that christian bale playing neil hamburger?!

no? that's ok....still gotta see this.
They open with a scene designed to try and make you forget there's a very good looking guy under the clothes/glasses for the rest of the movie. Doesn't really work.


Sidhe / PikPok
Saw this last night. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I thought I was going too. A few scenes dragged and came across a bit incoherent to me, and I felt Bradley Cooper was overacting his "overeager" character which just became annoying. Bale was the standout actor for me, and I found Lawrence's performance better than I was led to believe.

I think I was more entertained with Wolf of Wall Street last week than this, even though this was a "better" film.


Nork unification denier
Just came back from this. Great performances, but it just went on and on and on. Could have dropped a few scenes with absolutely no problems. I love Louis C.K., but he's so distinctive that every time he was in a scene it took me completely out of it.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I just assumed Bale/Cooper prepped him with a few phrases to make himself believable in case he needed to. They don't really explain it in the film, but I'm not sure they needed to.

........the Bale character explicitly stated that the agent was capable of speaking Arabic because he learned it due to some business.

"Few phrases"... that's just a joke.

Dead Man

Finally saw it last night.

I wasn't as big on it as everyone else seems to be. The first half of the movie kind of felt like someone excitedly telling a story that honestly isn't all that interesting. They try to hammer in certain points to get a laugh or ask "can you believe it" but it falls flat. It's like the characters are all acting in a goofy, outrageous comedy while the plot is a dull courtroom drama.

I don't know if it was my theater or if the sound mixing was off, but a lot of the characters whispering and talking over each other was damn near unintelligible.

The second half of the movie really picks up and ultimately redeems the whole thing just enough where I can say that I enjoyed the movie.

Exactly how I felt, it just didn't mesh tonally.


........the Bale character explicitly stated that the agent was capable of speaking Arabic because he learned it due to some business.

"Few phrases"... that's just a joke.

I think you're mixing up characters, it was De Niro who had to learn Arabic because of his business.

I wasn't as big on it as everyone else seems to be. The first half of the movie kind of felt like someone excitedly telling a story that honestly isn't all that interesting. They try to hammer in certain points to get a laugh or ask "can you believe it" but it falls flat.

Ha, this is pretty spot on.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I think you're mixing up characters, it was De Niro who had to learn Arabic because of his business..

Uhh no? I just watched it yesterday, so it's still fresh in my memory. Bale's character expressed his surprise that the agent, as a Mexican, is capable of speaking Arab and he made a remark about the agent turned out to have an Arab-related business going on and that's why he learned it.
Uhh no? I just watched it yesterday, so it's still fresh in my memory. Bale's character expressed his surprise that the agent, as a Mexican, is capable of speaking Arab and he made a remark about the agent turned out to have an Arab-related business going on and that's why he learned it.

.... No, that was DeNiro's character


I don't get why it's being hailed as a comedy. I thought it was pretty funny, but no more than other "dramas" inject some humour; it's more "fun" than "funny".

I think it's very good, but not worth the gold stars, A+'s, or other excellent ratings. An entertaining film for sure.


the only memorable part of the entire film begins and ends with Bob Deniro. The rest is just "stuff" delivered in a flashy, glitzy, somewhat clever manner.

For me the only memorable part was Amy Adams' side boobs in those dresses.

Everything else about the move sucked ass.
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