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Just watched Wrath Of Khan for the first time

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You win [the game of] Calvinball.
Nah. I talked with some others about it, and the two seem to be separate. I was wrong. Though I would say
Kirk willing to sacrifice himself doesn't follow as development if we're talking about his maturity and willingness to break the rules. It's the same motivation that drove him to save Spock.
Am I allowed to like both movies.

I personally just rewatched STiD and I must say its even better second time around.

Also rewatched Trek 2.. and well it's great for its era. Definitely different movies, I see no problem with what they did with Khan, and personally think STiD is the best Trek movie now.
Am I allowed to like both movies.

I personally just rewatched STiD and I must say its even better second time around.

Also rewatched Trek 2.. and well it's great for its era. Definitely different movies, I see no problem with what they did with Khan, and personally think STiD is the best Trek movie now.


I can't do this anymore.


This movie had the balls to have the villain and hero never actually meet face to face.

Nowadays every hero and villain have to have a fist fight.

I loved how the ship battle was styled as a submarine battle.

2 and UC are the only ones I like. I couldn't take more than 10 minutes of TMP, 3 was filler, 4 was 80s as fuck and could have had any other characters in the story and the film would be the same quality (it's really something of an extended Star Trek TV episode in content), never actually seen V but the way the movie was described I didn't need to watch it anyway.


Reading this thread has me wanting to go back over the Star Trek movies. I don't think I've watched any of them more than once (and it would have been around the time they were released).

Fathers Day in a few weeks, maybe I'll ask for the BR box set. Netflix (as usual) lets me down.


It's a damn shame about the TNG movies.

Generations? It at least felt like a movie, and could have been better. They were trying to figure out how to tie up the end of the original crew's story, but I'm not sure they should have bothered.

First Contact was pretty solid, felt like a movie, revisited IV's time travel shenanigans but it wasn't corny.

Insurrection felt like a normal episode of TNG with a higher budget.

Nemesis was just meh, failed retread of trying to give Picard his Wrath of Khan


Thought i'd jump in with my two cents. Wrath of Kahn is my favorite of the feature films, and i can tell you it's not due to nostalgia. I only first watched the film about 7 years ago, when i was 19, i think.

For all the aspects of the film that now show their age, i find it still far more exciting than even the latest films. Kirk versus Kahn feels like a true battle of the wits. Kahn feels truly ruthless, cold and determined in a way that greatly trumps John Harrison in the latest film, no matter how much Cumberbatch elevates the character. Plot points are picked from the originals, because they're cool and don't feel earned and the level of fan service gets ridiculous.

I especially much prefer the final act of WoK, which feels truly tense and as people have already described it, like a submarine or chess battle. Into Darkness succumbs more to the dumb action ending, which the RLM guys talk about every film needing to end with these days.

For the record. I've actually very much enjoyed both of the Abrams films. 09, more than STID. Abrams obviously has his heart in the right place. I think like most people concur around here, he's obviously being held back in the writing department. Which is why i'm excited to see what he does with Star Wars Episode 7, paired with Michael Arndt.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Am I allowed to like both movies.
Sure. I do. For different reasons. They both have their moments of glory and infamy, and they both tell the story they set out to tell without an incredible amount of meandering and they both exist to dole out fanservice by the gallon.
Nah. I talked with some others about it, and the two seem to be separate. I was wrong. Though I would say
Kirk willing to sacrifice himself doesn't follow as development if we're talking about his maturity and willingness to break the rules. It's the same motivation that drove him to save Spock.

Cool. It's a bit of a jumble, it's not so much about
him breaking rules as it is to owning up to it, and the consequences. Some of that actually happens earlier, with Scotty, with the decision to go to Kronos in person, with how he talks to Marcus before he realizes Marcus is a bad guy, and then with offering himself in place of his crew when Marcus is revealed as a bad guy.
I just saw STiD last night. Star Trek: Into Wackness. The new series really needs to stand on it's own legs without doing throwbacks to the old movies / weird-ass 'lets call in Nimoy Spock' to give us some credibility. The new one would of been great if they kept away from it's cribbing of the best Star Trek movie.
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