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Big Brother Canada Season 2 |OT| - Premieres Wednesday, March 5th at 9:00pm on Slice

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Some production interference please. Upgrade the power to a coup d'etat and tell Adel to pretend he was downplaying the power the whole time. A veto ticket is borderline useless and has made Adel a bigger target than before if that was possible.


Glad to see you guys enjoying the season. I stopped watching regularly. This cast just wasn't doing it for me, compared to last year and there's too many other shows that I need to stay up to date with. I may catch an eviction episode every now and again just for some dramz.


MONDAY NIGHT UPDATE: One of the potentially most significant game discussions in the game thus far just took place tonight in the backyard between
___Arlie___ & ___Adel___

Adel fed Arlie his "decoy" story about how his veto power can be used (with enough red flags incorporated in it to see if word gets around). The "decoy" story is that it's "Canada's Veto" - a power for 2 weeks that can be used after the POV ceremony to replace a nominee with a nominee of Adel's choice. The "actual" power is that Adel gets to replace anyone of his choosing in a POV competition before it takes place with himself - and it can be used at any point in the game until veto names stop getting drawn from the bag.

Meanwhile, Arlie opened up & talked serious game for the first time and confirmed he's part of the tight power alliance with Andrew. When Adel said he was planning to target Kenny & Andrew and to put up one of the entrenched girls as a buffer (his plan is to put up Sarah), Arlie confirmed he would be down for taking Kenny out as it improves his own game.

Adel: "It's not the baldy, bro. It's the bearded man."

He also noted that he plans on working with Allison once Andrew is gone as Allison has been cozying up with him now that Sabrina has banished Andrew from hanging out with her.

Here's the tail end of the conversation. ...
Sadly, most of the Arlie/Adel banter before Ika showed up isn't included here.








Sarah is wavering on her vote to boot Heather this week. She's decided that it may not be worth fighting the guys to get her out because she's intimidated by the threat Adel now provides with a secret power, Paul's vote and a known alliance with Ika all in play.

She's stymied, however, because she's not sure how to evict Paul and to not be "exposed" to the girls in the process. Personally, I think it's an easy play... just say you made a spur of the moment decision because Adel having all of that power freaked her out and made her uneasy... especially with the guys plus "New Girl" having the numbers advantage. But we'll see how that plays out.

Personally, I think Adel's game might actually improve without Paul weighing down his strategic options like an anchor. He's only being kept around "as a vote" and it's not like he's been voting after three weeks in the house anyway.

Kendrew still plans to flush out Adel's power next week and to target Ika. Sab/Sarah will do the same - flushing Adel's power will be the priority. They just plan to put Allison on the block to freak her out. Why you would put her up on the block to jump start her game - I have no idea but whatever. I don't see Sarah or Sabrina winning HOH this week with that power in play anyhow.

I'm thinking Paul goes home this week now.

Votes as they stand right now:
Evict Paul - Allison, Andrew, Jon, Kenny, Sarah
Evict Heather - Adel, Neda, Rachelle, Sabrina
Wildcard - Arlie

The situation is now this. Sarah has switched over to the guys. She will fabricate a story about Heather cornering her for her vote in the pantry sometime tomorrow to justify her flip to save her. Allison is workable by Andrew and he's enjoying the idea of having Allison vote with the F5 WITHOUT Sabrina in hopes that it will set the ball in motion to kick Sabrina to the curb for being too volatile. Sabrina is being kept completely in the dark about this latest F5 maneuvering. By Kenny. By Sarah. By Andrew. By everyone. Breakdown #3 will be upon us soon.

Meanwhile, the reason I keep Arlie in the wildcard column is that he's now openly confiding in Adel and if he hears from Adel after Sarah relays this news to Ika about her promise to keep a desperate Heather in the game he may just switch his vote to make it 5-5 to keep Paul a vote in Adel's holster and to force Ika to break the tie and send Heather packing to save face with Rachelle. But that's entirely up to Arlie.

Have you got all that?

Sabrina has been looped in by Andrew but she's not happy and will still vote to evict Heather from the game. So we're now looking at a 5-4 vote to evict unless Arlie swings it back around to force a tie. Even though Arlie is "evicting Paul as a favor to Heather" he told Sarah to stick by her guns and to keep Paul around. She didn't question it, but she should... especially now that she's on board to send Paul home.

The 3 "evict Heather" girls (Sabrina, Rachelle, Neda) along with Ika are now working on Allison in the HOH room. Not a bad play while Andrew is still avoiding her on Sabrina's orders.


It would appear that Arlie is leaning towards casting an eviction vote to boot Heather from the game and pinning it on Allison.

For those of you not watching the feeds, Arlie's been gaming in overdrive today - predicated almost entirely on Adel's lie about what his secret power is. Arlie believes it's inevitable that one of Kendrew will be taken out by it in two weeks (after Ika gets sent packing) so he's taken the steps today to plant the seeds for an Arlie's Angels backup alliance comprised of himself, Jon, Adel and Sarah that will be in position to run the game once the inevitable first shot at Kendrew is fired and the F5 crumbles.

The only real dilemma to all of this is that Adel's "Canadian Veto" doesn't work the way he's pitched it to Arlie. So if a gameplan is built up around the power, it could blow up in their face. But for the time being, Adel plans to just wield the power as a threat to whomever wins HOH this week (if not him) telling them he'll overturn both of their nominees and ruin their HOH if they put him up on the block.

And, of course, there's the very real possibility of Sarah just selling Arlie out to Kendrew due to him gaming way too damn hard. That wouldn't surprise me in the least, either. It's not in her best interests to do that, though. Not with the F5 clearly splintered and if Adel's power is legit. If anything, she's probably back on board with evicting Heather now. Kenny be damned.

Also, Andrew and Allison found time to smooch it up briefly in the backyard when Sabrina was having a shower.


I can't wait until Thursday. This week is sort of over, and so much stuff is hinging on who wins HOH on Thursday. This all just feels like stuff in the way of that.


Sarah did not sell Arlie out to Kenny. Not only that but they collectively trashed Sabrina and discussed swapping in Jon to replace Andrew should he be sacrificed. She's also switching her vote back to evict Heather. Adel's secret power has saved Paul. The F5 is cracking.

Link 1: Arlie & Sarah in the Pantry
Link 2: Kenny & Sarah in the Bedroom

Arlie has flipped the script once again. Now him & Jon want to work Heather as THEIR pawn instead of granting a free pass to Adel's already "damaged goods" shady pawn. So they'll get a vote they can work with regardless. They plan to use Adel's power as a weapon to pave their way to jury, strike at Andrew and keep Kenny around as a decoy/meat shield. They'll even pretend the F5 is still intact and that Jon's simply taking Andrew's spot.

The only wrinkle they have now is the fact that Adel never told them the truth about what their power was.

Also, the DR decided it would be a good idea to step in and artificially fracture the Andrew/Sabrina relationship by spilling to her that he's been making out with Allison all week - which - he admitted to when she confronted him with it. (Either that or Sabrina lied about being told by the DR to get Andrew to spill. She's proven capable of that as well.)

Surprisingly no breakdowns from Sabrina regarding this news. YET.

Paul goes home Thursday. Jon/Arlie are going to monopolize the HOH of whomever wins and likely use the threat of Adel's power to remove Ika from the equation. They'll strike against Andrew the week after that.

Really can't see Neda winning HOH so Ika's survival depends on either Adel or Sabrina winning HOH next week. I can't see Sabrina playing ball with the F5 and taking out Ika after what's gone down the past few days.


The pendulum has swung back in the other direction once again. Sarah is now back on board with evicting Heather. Allison wants to evict Heather to not make herself a target with all of the girls (although she's likely going up on the block next week if a girl wins HOH). Heather's talk with Ika today didn't sway Ika at all. It's really too bad... Ika could have had Heather, Paul and Adel in her corner after this week.

So now it would appear that Paul is sticking around. Look for this to change at least a half-dozen more times before tomorrow.

Just to make things even more fun this week now Kenny wants to throw a hinky vote to evict Heather into the equation to frame Allison and separate her from Andrew. While Sarah has reverted back to voting for Paul because they feel this will make the vote a 6-4 ouster of Heather and Allison will be implicated for that 6th vote with all four of the guys on public record for the house to evict Paul.

This is quite the mess. Here's an updated count:

Evict Paul - Andrew, Arlie, Jon, Sarah
Evict Heather - Adel, Kenny, Neda, Rachelle, Sabrina
Still Somewhat Unclear - Allison

Either way it seems clear that Heather is leaving the BB House tomorrow. As of right now. I guess. This might change in an hour.

Looks like Andrew flipped the vote back to evicting Paul by putting his foot down. Kenny and Allison will now vote to evict Paul (along with Sara). So Paul now goes home by a vote of 6-4.


Icka's getting the bitch edit. Haha. God, she's annoying. All of her DRs are just trashing and bashing people, but not in an endearing way, but in a bitchy way. She's the worst.
Can't watch this show live for more than 4 minutes before the stream gets taken down.

Slice, what the hell?! Why are you so anti-American.... Commies =/


The pendulum has swung back in the other direction once again. Sarah is now back on board with evicting Heather. Allison wants to evict Heather to not make herself a target with all of the girls (although she's likely going up on the block next week if a girl wins HOH). Heather's talk with Ika today didn't sway Ika at all. It's really too bad... Ika could have had Heather, Paul and Adel in her corner after this week.

So now it would appear that Paul is sticking around. Look for this to change at least a half-dozen more times before tomorrow.

Just to make things even more fun this week now Kenny wants to throw a hinky vote to evict Heather into the equation to frame Allison and separate her from Andrew. While Sarah has reverted back to voting for Paul because they feel this will make the vote a 6-4 ouster of Heather and Allison will be implicated for that 6th vote with all four of the guys on public record for the house to evict Paul.

This is quite the mess. Here's an updated count:

Evict Paul - Andrew, Arlie, Jon, Sarah
Evict Heather - Adel, Kenny, Neda, Rachelle, Sabrina
Still Somewhat Unclear - Allison

Either way it seems clear that Heather is leaving the BB House tomorrow. As of right now. I guess. This might change in an hour.

Looks like Andrew flipped the vote back to evicting Paul by putting his foot down. Kenny and Allison will now vote to evict Paul (along with Sara). So Paul now goes home by a vote of 6-4.

At the very least, the vote will be interesting


Icka's getting the bitch edit. Haha. God, she's annoying. All of her DRs are just trashing and bashing people, but not in an endearing way, but in a bitchy way. She's the worst.
At least viewers won't be too heartbroken when she "likely" gets put on the block and evicted next week.

Paul is evicted from the BB House by a vote of 9-to-1. Possibly 8-to-2 if Rachelle refuses to switch.
Kenny gets his way yet again.


Racism/homophobia are alive and well across the border

Kenny has called Ika "Ghetto Trash" and Adel has called Kenndrew "Fucking Fags"

Kassting does it again


d ika messed up
Not only did she mess up but despite a ton of signs that Sarah is voting to evict Paul with the boys the girls don't seem to be switching off their plan to put a number of votes on Heather. Which means Heather will run to the guys as well (although Ika may be able to keep her if she plays dumb).

It's a fitting end to a disastrous HOH run. On the bright side, Ika clearly realizes how foolish she was not striking at Kendrew to begin with as she's being targeted despite burning her week to evict her top ally's 2nd vote.

I honestly want one of Kendrew to win tonight so they can put Ika out of her misery and inflate their heads to a colossal size so they can get screwed over by someone the next week.

Also, that means we're back to a 6-4 vote to evict Paul scenario (with the dissenting votes coming from Sabrina, Rachelle, Neda and Adel).
Would LOVE to see Arlie vote to evict Heather now and not tell anyone about it for maximum chaos effect.
I honestly want one of Kendrew to win tonight so they can put Ika out of her misery and inflate their heads to a colossal size so they can get screwed over by someone the next week.

That would be best case scenario. The whole house would have to be against them at that point while rest of the girls wouldn't trust Sabrina, Sarah and Alison and wouldn't work with them anymore (especially after tonight's vote and Ika being put up). Neda, Rachelle, Arlie and Jon who are just throwing shit will finally realize they have to step up sooner or later. If one of those four won't win next week and grow some balls I'm done with this season.


Spoilers from tonight's eviction will be leaked on Twitter at around 7:00pm Eastern.

It's expected that we will not have results from tonight's HOH comp as it may be endurance (and unlike the American feeds, we probably won't get coverage on the feeds of the comp as it takes place) although it may also be over by the time the show airs even if it is endurance.

Eviction Spoiler from hamsterwatch -
Paul was evicted from the Big Brother house by a vote of 6-4 as expected. No hinky vote from Arlie. Heather will now know the girls were targeting her although she may still have blind faith in Ika. Kenny wins again. Ika's HOH reign goes down in flames.


Will be curious to see if this result prompts Rachelle or Neda to actually try and win this week's HOH competition.


HOH Competition - Initial Spoilers:
Endurance comp tonight as expected. Heather was the first one eliminated but no word on any eliminations beyond that. She may have fallen towards the start. We'll likely be waiting until after 10pm when the feeds go back up to get caught up on the rest.

HOH Competition - Update:
First down in the comp were Heather, Sabrina, Adel and Andrew.

Last 5 remaining = Neda, Sarah, Rachelle, Kenny and Allison


the only one of them with good ideas is neda but she doesnt try hard enough to make things happen

its annoying
What I want to happen. The 4 girls grow a brain and realize Sabrina and Sarah fucked them over for the guys and need to make big moves. Call a temporary truce with Heather.

What will happen. Rachelle nominates Heather & New girl aka "slut" Allison while be bff's with Sabrina again and pretend nothing happened.

Rachelle is on the wrong reality tv show. She should be on the Real World. She has done nothing but be catty and gossip all game.

Edit: OMG "Neda says they shouldn't go after Heather this week, it would be stupid to set their sites on her"

Put her on all stars for this alone


What I want to happen. The 4 girls grow a brain and realize Sabrina and Sarah fucked them over for the guys and need to make big moves. Call a temporary truce with Heather.

What will happen. Rachelle nominates Heather & New girl aka "slut" Allison while be bff's with Sabrina again and pretend nothing happened.

Rachelle is on the wrong reality tv show. She should be on the Real World. She has done nothing but be catty and gossip all game.

Edit: OMG "Neda says they shouldn't go after Heather this week, it would be stupid to set their sites on her"

Put her on all stars for this alone
lmao drag that petty roach


What I want to happen. The 4 girls grow a brain and realize Sabrina and Sarah fucked them over for the guys and need to make big moves. Call a temporary truce with Heather.

What will happen. Rachelle nominates Heather & New girl aka "slut" Allison while be bff's with Sabrina again and pretend nothing happened.

Rachelle is on the wrong reality tv show. She should be on the Real World. She has done nothing but be catty and gossip all game.

Edit: OMG "Neda says they shouldn't go after Heather this week, it would be stupid to set their sites on her"

Put her on all stars for this alone

You seem bothered.

Ika is really upset that Rachelle wants to get heather out. Apparently, she had no idea that the boys were coming after her last week and so decided to go after Heather. I'm not sure if I buy that. Remember the discussion Neda and Ika had in the bathroom right after Ika won HOH. They both seemed to have an understanding that they can't sit around and let the boys pick them off one by one.
Ika is really upset that Rachelle wants to get heather out. Apparently, she had no idea that the boys were coming after her last week and so decided to go after Heather. I'm not sure if I buy that. Remember the discussion Neda and Ika had in the bathroom right after Ika won HOH. They both seemed to have an understanding that they can't sit around and let the boys pick them off one by one.

That's why she wanted to leave Paul & Adel in the game. She figured they would be the 2 targets. Not anymore. Ultimately she played it safe and is going to get burned for it.


Ika is really upset that Rachelle wants to get heather out. Apparently, she had no idea that the boys were coming after her last week and so decided to go after Heather. I'm not sure if I buy that. Remember the discussion Neda and Ika had in the bathroom right after Ika won HOH. They both seemed to have an understanding that they can't sit around and let the boys pick them off one by one.
That was before Sabrina got into her ear.
We all know what happened afterwards.
And it's amazing that Sabrina steered her HOH into a brick wall and Ika doesn't blame her one bit. She blames Sarah.

Sabrina is one slick game player.


That was before Sabrina got into her ear.
We all know what happened afterwards.
And it's amazing that Sabrina steered her HOH into a brick wall and Ika doesn't blame her one bit. She blames Sarah.

Sabrina is one slick game player.

Well, her greasy slicked up ass can slide right out the door. The cracks are forming under the pressure of
reign already.
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