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J.J Abrams: "Rey's parents are not...[Possible Spoilers]"

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Was getting caught part of your plan?
Rey is actually a clone of Luke's dead wife whom he lost in a freak accident trying to experiment the further capabilities of the Force. He also keeps hundreds of other Reys inside a tank underneath the island he lives in.

props to you if you get it
Rey is Palpatine reincarnated.

Rey is Darth Plagueis reincarnated.

Rey is Qui-Gon reincarnated.

Rey is the daughter of Leia and Caluan Ematt.

Rey is the daughter of Han and Sana Starros.

Rey is the daughter of Jar Jar Binks and Julia.

Rey is the daughter of Ezra Bridger and the Seventh Sister.

Rey is Snoke.



Yoda isn't talking to anybody. Neither is Luke, or Palpatine. They're echoes of the past, like much of the vision is. The history of that saber coming to life in her mind. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the only person in that vision who speaks directly to Rey. Twice.

To be fair, Yoda was supposed to have new dialogue and it was even recorded, but for some reason they decided to go with stuff from ESB. Could be because of what you're suggesting, could be it just didn't work out as well.

Frank Oz, a veteran of The Muppets who puppeteered Yoda and supplied his voice in the earlier movies, also contributed new dialogue for The Force Awakens, although Abrams says they ended up using pre-existing elements of the little green Jedi master’s voice.

“He was incredibly generous and came in to Bad Robot, where we had a recording area, and he was doing Yoda, saying a number of lines we gave to him,” Abrams says. “This whole experience has been one outrageous moment after another. Just watching Frank Oz, you look at him and talk to him and his voice is very deep. I don’t know why I would have thought he sounded like Miss Piggy!”

But Oz was more than willing to return to the jumbled syntax of Yoda. “He was very generous to say, ‘Whatever makes the movie better, I’m happy to help out,” Abrams said.


When I watched the movie I got the impression that the people making The Force Awakens were consciously trying to undo the ideas established in the prequels without trying to outright contradict them. I had to watch videos of hidden easter eggs to find actual things from the prequels (like Sebulba'a flag). The prequels are technically still there, they're not overriden, but these new films are being made to be the sequels to the Star Wars films as they would have been interpreted in the 1980's.

Key among the ideas tossed were the idea of a chosen one who is potentially all-powerful and the idea that his descendants would have similar potential. TFA made reference to people just being 'strong in the force' now, or just not having force potential at all. It's binary now, all or nothing. Luke is just the last jedi now and not the most all-powerful jedi that will ever exist by nature of being a Skywalker.

In keeping with this theme I didn't detect that Rey was meant to be anyone special, in the sense of being someone's daughter or the reincarnation of someone inportant. Disney has thrown away that prequel idea of being special by birth so it wouldn't fit for her to later have a big revelation.
Rey not being Luke's daughter would just be awful writing, period. Treating the whole thing like a mystery was a mistake to begin with, but with how much specifically Luke was teased it would just be such a cheap "twist" for the sake of having a "twist". Rey's parents doesn't work as a shock point because it's something that the viewer is guided towards and is completely conscious of. ESB's "I am your father" scene worked well because it wasn't something people were wondering about.

Sure, Luke is the "safe", "boring" choice... because he's the logical choice. He's the choice the movie goes out of its way to push on you with absolutely no other alternatives. Online it isn't even a question of "who are her parents," but rather "is she a Skywalker or not?" which makes the "Not Skywalker" choice just feel like little more than a throwaway twist.

And good god Kenobi is just the dumbest possibility I can't believe how popular it is. Kenobi's character is a representation of the old Jedi order, he was the pure one in his active years, and old hermit Ben during the OT. He makes the least sense as a paternal candidate and would be the epitome of senseless pandering that just flies in the face of the actual characters. It would be a terrible, absolutely terrible choice. Same goes for "lol o ya we had a daughter too" Solo option, it's like people are only interested in a twist in place of an actual coherent plot.
When I watched the movie I got the impression that the people making The Force Awakens were consciously trying to undo the ideas established in the prequels without trying to outright contradict them.

They run that right up front in a metatextual way. The very first spoken line of the film:

"This will begin to make things right."

Sure, Luke is the "safe", "boring" choice... because he's the logical choice.

As a guy who helped seriously popularize this logical choice - it's not as logical as I thought it was. In fact, the text of the movie makes it pretty illogical.

She could be random (fine) she could be Kenobi (it rhymes) but her being a Skywalker by blood doesn't really seem to make any sense at all.
Again and I've spelled this out numerous times--- TFA did this very wise thing with Kylo Ren. They used that as the "it's their offspring" of the new trilogy. Snoke very casually reveals this to the audience early in the film, so that it isn't the focus of the point. The focus of the point is that the story becomes about how Han Solo's fate is to try and bring his son back to him and Leia, but fails, resulting in Han's death and Ben's ultimate and official turn to the dark side.

With Rey-- why would they deliberately postpone her being Luke's daughter, when they handled Ben so correctly without treating the audience like a bunch of retarded dipshits? If they had this twist in mind with Rey being Luke's daughter, I feel like they would have revealed it in TFA as it immediately meets audience suspicion, and drawing it out further would clearly result in the audience calling out the storytellers as just drawing it out for the sake of it, when it already feels evident in some ways. Which is why I don't think it feels evident.

I thought for sure going into TFA that she were Luke's daughter, but when the film instead went for Kylo Ren being a Solo, and the film ending with Rey finding Luke and holding out the lightsaber, that Rey's story and lineage is about so much more than it being about her being a Skywalker, or Luke's daughter. A twist in this regard, or any regard needs to meet the audience head-on without any stipulation, as Luke being Vader's son was back in 1980 without anyone being able to guess. Rey being Luke's daughter does not meet this criteria whatsoever.


Again and I've spelled this out numerous times--- TFA did this very wise thing with Kylo Ren. They used that as the "it's their offspring" of the new trilogy. Snoke very casually reveals this to the audience early in the film, so that it isn't the focus of the point. The focus of the point is that the story becomes about how Han Solo's fate is to try and bring his son back to him and Leia, but fails, resulting in Han's death and Ben's ultimate and official turn to the dark side.

With Rey-- why would they deliberately postpone her being Luke's daughter, when they handled Ben so correctly without treating the audience like a bunch of retarded dipshits? If they had this twist in mind with Rey being Luke's daughter, I feel like they would have revealed it in TFA as it immediately meets audience suspicion, and drawing it out further would clearly result in the audience calling out the storytellers as just drawing it out for the sake of it, when it already feels evident in some ways. Which is why I don't think it feels evident.

I thought for sure going into TFA that she were Luke's daughter, but when the film instead went for Kylo Ren being a Solo, and the film ending with Rey finding Luke and holding out the lightsaber, that Rey's story and lineage is about so much more than it being about her being a Skywalker, or Luke's daughter. A twist in this regard, or any regard needs to meet the audience head-on without any stipulation, as Luke being Vader's son was back in 1980 without anyone being able to guess. Rey being Luke's daughter does not meet this criteria whatsoever.
There are a lot of reasons why the Skywalker link doesn't make sense just from a story standpoint, but this is the one that really pushed me into feeling comfortable Rey is not a Skywalker. TFA already did it's generational link with Kylo Ren, and then it intentionally puts its own stamp on it. It makes that link part of the story early on, and then hearkens back to the Luke/Vader confrontations before splitting in its own direction. That was their dark rendition of the "I am your father" moment and confrontation .

Guessing next time around (or the one after), we get their version of Vader killing the Emperor, but it won't be for noble reasons.
Dudes I was like the fucking conductor of the Rey is Luke's daughter train for months. I would regularly go out and oil the engine and wheels, and post flyers in the train station that once this train takes off there's no going back. I took good care of that train and frequently ensured that corporate, along with our subsidiaries, worked in harmony to make sure that it was indeed the safest way to travel.

But by god if J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan didn't show up at the station with quite the firm and believable cease and desist.
Syfo-Dyas was never an acronym for Sidious. Syfo was an actual Jedi on the council that died and that whose name Sheev used to begin legal creation of the clone army. It has nothing to do with RLM poetry.

Man people hate George Lucas way too much for their own good.
Syfo-Dyas was never an acronym for Sidious. Syfo was an actual Jedi on the council that died and that whose name Sheev used to begin legal creation of the clone army. It has nothing to do with RLM poetry.

Man people hate George Lucas way too much for their own good.


This is a fandom that actively looks for new reasons to hate their benefactor.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Syfo-Dyas was never an acronym for Sidious. Syfo was an actual Jedi on the council that died and that whose name Sheev used to begin legal creation of the clone army. It has nothing to do with RLM poetry.

Man people hate George Lucas way too much for their own good.

From SW Wiki:

In early drafts of Attack of the Clones, the name of the Jedi who contacted the Kaminoans was Sido-Dyas, and was originally a false identity for Darth Sidious—Obi-Wan Kenobi claimed to have never heard of him, and Mace Windu confirmed no Jedi of that name existed.

Good morning, my name is Sidiou-, I mean, Sido...Dyas...and I'd like to order a clone army. I'd like to pay the $5 extra and get the "secret kill all Jedi directive" package. Please send the invoice to 1600 Coruscant Avenue.

From SW Wiki:

Good morning, my name is Sidiou-, I mean, Sido...Dyas...and I'd like to order a clone army. I'd like to pay the $5 extra and get the "secret kill all Jedi directive" package.


First off, the fact that you have to cite an early draft of the movie to support your argument is sad.

Second, even if Sifo-Dyas had been a nom de plume for Sidious, that's only lazy if you choose to see it that way. Only a handful of people in the galaxy know Palpatine's Sith name. The Kaminoans weren't among them. Is it really so hard to imagine that Palpatine would have given them a name that was close to his Sith name just for the sheer hell of it?
In early drafts. Drafts that did not come to pass.

Yes, Syfo-Dyas can be seen as pretty close to Sidious. I get that 100% full-stop. Perhaps that was even Lucas' direct, deliberate, on the nose intention all along. However, the final result was basically that Sidious found a Jedi that had died that had a name that is sorta-kinda like Sidious, and chose to run with that when he made contact with the Kaminoans.

Whatever the intention, whatever the stance, it really isn't that big of a deal, and is a thing that is mostly used as a weapon against Lucas' writing. Which me myself frequently acknowledges as a thing as Lucas is very deliberate about what he does, but in this case, I don't think it's a terrible or stupid thing. He acknowledged that it may have been a little too much on the nose, in early drafts, and slightly revised it.

I think it ended up at a point where, quite simply, it isn't a big deal.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
First off, the fact that you have to look to an early draft of the movie to support your argument is just sad.

Second, even if Sifo-Dyas had been a nom de plume for Sidious, that's only lazy if you choose to see it that way. Only a handful of people in the galaxy know Palpatine's Sith name. The Kaminoans weren't among them.

Yeah, it's not like halfway through the movie Count Dooku tells Obi-Wan that Darth Sidious is in charge of the Senate.

Is it really so hard to imagine that Palpatine would have given them a name that was close to his Sith name just for shits n' giggles?

Yes. But then again everyone in the galaxy is a brain dead moron, so maybe not. I mean, Mace Windu spends half of ROTS saying that 'the dark side surrounds the chancellor' and is still surprised that he is a Sith Lord.
Yes. But then again everyone in the galaxy is a brain dead moron, so maybe not. I mean, Mace Windu spends half of ROTS saying that 'the dark side surrounds the chancellor' and is still surprised that he is a Sith Lord.

I do agree with this. It's pretty lousy writing and makes Mace look like a fucking moron. But then again Yoda, Mace, and the entire Jedi council are fucking morons so it all aligns. You can say that the dark side clouded their intelligence, but damn. It either makes them look really stupid or the dark side really strong.
Yeah, it's not like halfway through the movie Count Dooku tells Obi-Wan that Darth Sidious is in charge of the Senate.

Your comeback to me saying that only a handful of people in the galaxy know of Palpatine's Sith name is to point out that Count Dooku, Palaptine's apprentice and obviously one in the handful of people I was referring to who have even heard the name "Sidious" (the Sith have not been seen a millennium and the Jedi have no knowledge of that name), told Obi-Wan about Sidious ten years after the clone army was commissioned, a decade after the name 'Sido-Dyas' could have conceivably been seen as a red flag and long past the point that the Jedi could do anything about it?

I... I don't even.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Your comeback to me saying that only a handful of people in the galaxy is to point out that Count Dooku, Palaptine's apprentice and obviously one of a small number of people who know Palpatine's Sith name, who's even heard the name "Sidious" (the Sith have not been seen a millennium and the Jedi have no knowledge of that name), told Obi-Wan about Sidious ten years after the clone army was commissioned, a decade after the name 'Sido-Dyas' could have conceivably been seen as a red flag and long past the point that the Jedi could do anything about it?

I... I don't even.

My point is that despite having this information, nobody seems to care. You'd think that being told a Sith is running the senate would make the Jedi slightly hesitant to use a mysterious clone army that was supposedly ordered by a dead Jedi 10 years ago on behalf of the Republic. Not a single Jedi post-Geonosis asked whether Palpatine could be a Sith? One of them tells us that the dark side surrounds him, that it's dangerous to put him and Anakin together. But no, that would involve thinking critically.

Why did the clone army even need to be a secret (in story terms)? The clone army should have been an established part of the Republic, the secret part should have been Order 66. I can see how the Jedi could be kept out of the loop regarding that, by the Chancellor with his 'emergency powers'. I can't accept that they would just take command of this army out of nowhere and not question what they are doing. Nothing about the Jedi's decisions makes any sense, they never question these strange things.
I think it simply plays into the fact that they're feeling that they don't feel in charge anymore. They have this huge war beginning and in the end they just roll with it. We, the audience, knows that it's bad news, but the Jedi don't realize that they're in a movie series where they're about to be completely fucked over by dark forces.

I think this is what Lucas was trying to illustrate with the Jedi, that they've finally hit a spot where they're unsure and in over their heads, which gives Palpatine the advantage.
My point is that despite having this information, nobody seems to care. You'd think that being told a Sith is running the senate would make the Jedi slightly hesitant to use a mysterious clone army that was supposedly ordered by a dead Jedi 10 years ago on behalf of the Republic.

I don't understand what the clone army has to do with being told that the senate is being controlled by a Sith (which Obi-Wan, I'll admit, was stupid to doubt)? The Jedi weren't equipped to handle the separatist movement on their own and felt that they had to make use of the clone army. And if I recall correctly, Yoda seemed at least a little reluctant to go to war.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I don't understand what the clone army has to do with being told that the senate is being controlled by a Sith (which Obi-Wan, I'll admit, was stupid to doubt)? The Jedi weren't equipped to handle the separatist movement on their own and felt that they had to make use of the clone army. And if I recall correctly, Yoda seemed at least a little reluctant to go to war.

It's not logical that the Jedi would not immediately suspect Palpatine after what Dooku told Obi-Wan. He's told that Sidious controls the senate. A mysterious army is found, for the express use of the Republic, ordered 10 years ago (when Palpatine became Chancellor). Palpatine is given absolute power by the senate and immediately orders deployment of this mysterious army. An army whose template is a bounty hunter who just tried to kill Padme and who is later seen to be in league with the Separatists. Nobody seems to question any of it.
Okay so, going by this, Han and Leia are full aware that Kylo Ren is their son; they talk about this and debate what they should do.

But Han deliberately runs into Rey, she's kidnapped, Han and Finn know this, they tell Leia-- but neither Han nor Leia react as they would if they knew Rey was their daughter and that she had been kidnapped?

Finn goes directly to Leia and mentions that his friend had been kidnapped, and Leia is like "I'm sorry..." do you really think that Han, nor Leia, would not know by that point that Rey was their daughter and Leia and Han just brush her off to the side while talking about Kylo Ren?

One second, shred, millimeter of thought. That's all it takes.

edit: re-reading your post, I'm a little drunk and I don't think I'm fully cognitive as to what you're talking about so bear with me.


Okay so, going by this, Han and Leia are full aware that Kylo Ren is their son; they talk about this and debate what they should do.

But Han deliberately runs into Rey, she's kidnapped, Han and Finn know this, they tell Leia-- but neither Han nor Leia react as they would if they knew Rey was their daughter and that she had been kidnapped?

Finn goes directly to Leia and mentions that his friend had been kidnapped, and Leia is like "I'm sorry..." do you really think that Han, nor Leia, would not know by that point that Rey was their daughter and Leia and Han just brush her off to the side while talking about Kylo Ren?

One second, shred, millimeter of thought. That's all it takes.

edit: re-reading your post, I'm a little drunk and I don't think I'm fully cognitive as to what you're talking about so bear with me.

We're talking about Rey being Luke's daughter right?... Not Leia's.


Right-- I keep seeing notions that Rey and Kylo are siblings and I have absolutely no idea where anyone is getting that from.

That would be weird as fuck. I could still see her being a Skywalker, but I am not 100% sure of it. It seems a bit odd Leia and Han wouldn't recognize their niece, however it is possible.
I'm all for Rey being a "virgin birth" by the dark side only for her to grow into a "fuck you dark side" person but I don't really see it happening.

But I don't know.

For me the whole thing makes this all completely more interesting than anything since ANH.
I would be disappointed if she's a Skywalker just on the basis that not everyone in the Star Wars universe should be either a Skywalker or a Solo. But I do think she's a Skywalker. Her lost "family" being persona non grata and Luke being persona non grata during the exact same time, the lightsaber "talking" to her, her being force-sensitive at all -- it makes the most sense. Very weird to read such spirited negations to this that don't really have strong points that explain away the foreshadowing and timeline matching perfectly.

She's obvs not a Solo or Kenobi. She's not a Solo because of how Han and Leia act around her, and she's not a Kenobi because she's younger than like 40, which is how long ago Obi-Wan died, which he was old as hell and a hermit bachelor to boot.
I think it's fine and completely acceptable if she's a Skywalker as the main episodes so far have been about the Skywalkers. It'd be weird if we had 1-6 as Skywalker-oriented stories and then 7-9 are about something different. But that's just my take. I don't think she's Luke's daughter but I think there's a decent chance that it's still gonna be about the Skywalker lineage. Hell, Kylo Ren is a Skywalker.
I think it's fine and completely acceptable if she's a Skywalker as the main episodes so far have been about the Skywalkers. It'd be weird if we had 1-6 as Skywalker-oriented stories and then 7-9 are about something different. But that's just my take. I don't think she's Luke's daughter but I think there's a decent chance that it's still gonna be about the Skywalker lineage. Hell, Kylo Ren is a Skywalker.
Little confused - are you saying you don't think she's Luke's but came from the Skywalker lineage somehow, or that by virtue of Kylo being in it, the new trilogy is still "about the Skywalker lineage?"
Little confused - are you saying you don't think she's Luke's but came from the Skywalker lineage somehow, or that by virtue of Kylo being in it, the new trilogy is still "about the Skywalker lineage?"

Kylo is from Han and Leia, Leia being Anakin's daughter makes him a Skywalker. There may be other Skywalkers in the galaxy, I'm not sure. It's almost 6am here plus alcohol, so I'm probably not thinking super straight right now.
Here's something interesting I came across while poking across the internet. Kylo going off the rails and murdering luke's students is a lot more recent than many of us have assumed.
Pablo Hidalgo is creative executive at Lucasfilm.


the incident "wasn't that long ago" and is "more recent" than 15 years ago. If we're generous and assume that " more recent" means 7 years ago and not like 3-5 years (which is what I'd go with), Then Rey (who is 19) would be at LEAST 12 when that attack happened.

She had already been on Jakku for years at that point. It's literally impossible for her to be Luke's child if that's the case, or for Kylo to have had anything to do with her placement there. She was there as a toddler (3, 4, something like that). The incident wouldn't have happened for a decade later.

She's not Luke's, and Kylo doesn't know her.
Maybe it was 10-11 years ago, and she was ~8 in the flashback where her parents' ship is flying away from Jakku. Eight is indeed the age of the actress (Cailey Fleming) who played child Rey. If I were in Pablo's shoes, and I knew it was 10-11 years ago and someone was guessing 15, and I didn't want to be specific in my denial, "it wasn't that long ago" and "it was more recent than that" are perfectly normal things to say.

Kylo is from Han and Leia, Leia being Anakin's daughter makes him a Skywalker. There may be other Skywalkers in the galaxy, I'm not sure. It's almost 6am here plus alcohol, so I'm probably not thinking super straight right now.
lol gotcha. I haven't gone to bed yet. I should go do that. :p
I highly doubt she is a Skywalker.

If she was, Kylo knew she had the force and would have sensed it. He was able to read her mind and get the info on the map in BB-8 from her. He fought her in the forest and didn't say anything about being related when he tried to recruit her (like his grandfather did with Luke many years earlier).
It's because the movie makes a big deal about it (though in a subtle way). For said big mystery to boil down to either obvious choice would piss a lot of people off.

Which is why the answer wont be so obvious.

Whats the alternative?

Having Rey's Parents be Mr. And MRs. Smith, form a part of the galaxy we have no connections to?

Just Mr and Mrs.Joe Blow? What fun is that?

We have a connection story wise to the Skywalkers, the Solo's, the Palpatines etc.......

For it to have an impact, she has to be related to someone we know, if not then she not.

Its not a big deal.

When I read "She better not be!!!!!!" I just feel like telling people to chill, its not a big deal.
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