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LOST 06.03: "What Kate Does" (The Del Taco On La Cienega Edition)

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Jealous Bastard
final showdown is of a bearded jack confronting the smoke monster in his temple comprised entirely of magazine racks.

i'll let you guess how it plays out


I want there to be a musical number in the final episode where our Losties are getting ready to throw down one last time and they're just sort of chilling and singing some song, a la Magnolia.

I'm now listening to "Wise Up" and imagining the cast of Lost singing it in various locations.


EliCash said:
I want more grunge Jack this season. Bombin' about the island in the dharma van pissed, with his beard, listening to Pearl Jam. Believe.

Edit... or bombin about LA X in his jeep pissed. Either way works.

Angst filled Jack X gets cornrows and listens to DMX.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Scythian Empire said:
We need more of these.


Note: These aren't mine and I'm not taking credit for them. I'm just the messenger.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
what kate does..... I still don't understand why this character didn't die in season 2.


otake said:
what kate does..... I still don't understand why this character didn't die in season 2.
When you're bouncing between two dreamy dudes and stealin' babies you don't have time to bleed.


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Full Recovery said:
When you're bouncing between two dreamy dudes and stealin' babies you don't have time to bleed.

She's a stupid character. There's nothing special about her besides being hot. When they brought Michelle Rodriguez, I thought it was great. We could finally kill her off and keep ana lucia for the hotness. But no, they killed her off. So then they brought Juliet and I thought, here's the hot replacement and they killed her too. Why keep kate!? She has buck teeth!
This week's episode doesn't sound too interesting. But then again it's just another vague plot synopsis :D

Honestly though, a Kate-centric episode doesn't sound good.


Jealous Bastard
you know, i don't hate kate by any stretch--she's just there to make sawyer and jack do interesting things, as i see it--but you're right, she really is kind of a weak-ass ana lucia :lol


Can anyone pinpoint the moment when the generally positive opinion of Kate shifted to death wishes and pure freshly squeezed hate? Because it defintely wasn't always like this. :lol

She's still decent enough as a character and has her moments. It's hard for me to hate anyone who I would gladly let sit on my face permanently, but I guess that's just me.


otake said:
She's a stupid character. There's nothing special about her besides being hot. When they brought Michelle Rodriguez, I thought it was great. We could finally kill her off and keep ana lucia for the hotness. But no, they killed her off. So then they brought Juliet and I thought, here's the hot replacement and they killed her too. Why keep kate!? She has buck teeth!
Well then you're in the minority because everyone wanted Rodriguez axed from the beginning. Nobody cared about the tailies.
If you're talking about being useless there are other characters that are much more useless than Kate. (see last few pages of last weeks thread.)


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Nameless said:
Can anyone pinpoint the moment when the generally positive opinion of Kate shifted to death wishes and pure freshly squeezed hate? Because it defintely wasn't always like this.

She's still decent enough as a character and has her moments. It's hard for me to hate anyone who I would gladly let sit on my face permanently, but I guess that's just me.

When they explained her reasons for running away, she stopped being interesting.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Full Recovery said:
Well then you're in the minority because everyone wanted Rodriguez axed from the beginning. Nobody cared about the tailies.
If you're talking about being useless there are other characters that are much more useless than Kate. (see last few pages of last weeks thread.)

Who is more useless than Kate? Everyone else is either comedy or action. What does Kate provide besides her front teeth?
Kate kinda serves no purpose now that Aaron is out of the picture. She can't even piss off Juliet anymore! Let's hope that sideways Kate blows something up or steals Walt or something.


I don't really like Kate very much, but pretty much every (male) friend I have who watches the show hates her so, so, so much. :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
RubxQub said:
Shang Tsung's got some history they need to get into. I'm hoping the guy knows self-defense beyond the fact that he's japanese, therefore of course he knows karate :lol

What's crazy to me is that LOST is still introducing new characters even though we're in the final season of the show and have so much to wrap up.
We still got a plane full of redshirts on the other island that have no fucking clue what is going on at all.:lol :lol They have no leader and no direction. A giant ass fire work just went off on the other island. Shit is clearly going down to which they have no response for.:lol :lol

And Kate's fine when Kate is Kate. When she's a love interest or scorned lover, she does some dumb shit. But like, stick to telling her own story and things end up really well.


otake said:
Who is more useless than Kate? Everyone else is either comedy or action. What does Kate provide besides her front teeth?
Look dude, you hate Kate I get it. But she's not going away, too many people like her character and the shitty love triangle with the dudebros.


Falch said:
Regarding your avatar, do we even have the faintest idea of why that happened?

I think it has something to with Jack being all bloody during The Incident.

Don't ask me how, though.


well not really...yet
SpeedingUptoStop said:
We still got a plane full of redshirts on the other island that have no fucking clue what is going on at all.:lol :lol They have no leader and no direction. A giant ass fire work just went off on the other island. Shit is clearly going down to which they have no response for.:lol :lol

And Kate's fine when Kate is Kate. When she's a love interest or scorned lover, she does some dumb shit. But like, stick to telling her own story and things end up really well.


I think we now know who is inside Sayid's body.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Dead said:


I think we now know who is inside Sayid's body.
Hey man, if you wanna spoil everyone, go right ahead. I tried to tell them already that Caesar's going rise up from his grave straight to the top of Boss Mountain, but they just won't listen.

It's like what Nestor Carbonell said, If I told you what happened next, you wouldn't believe me.


MMaRsu said:
How so? She's dating/fucking Charlie? My god.. how do these ugly actors get hot chicks o_O. I mean aside from having a nice personality and a wad of cash.


Not that I often judge the looks of men but that's ugly to you? :lol


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Full Recovery said:
Look dude, you hate Kate I get it. But she's not going away, too many people like her character and the shitty love triangle with the dudebros.

Going by this thread, not many people like her at all.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
just realized me and Caesar have very similar facial hair.

Seriously, there oughta be some sorta ban bet on when Caesar returns, all the Caesar haters have to don a Caesar avatar (non-Ben "death" avatar, btw) for the rest of the season [or until Caesar dies again].


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
omg rite said:

Not that I often judge the looks of men but that's ugly to you? :lol

He's bald. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
I thought Mom Kate was an interesting direction to take the character. She needed an anchor that forced her to stop running, and she got it with Aaron.

The kid also gave her the opportunity to focus all of her unconditional affection on a single person for a change.

Can't say the writers handled it as well as they could. But it was definitely a change for the better.


otake said:
Going by this thread, not many people like her at all.

I think she was still interesting for me up until the moment I found out her reasons for going back to the island - which seemed almost retarded when she was in '77.
I liked the flashforward of her with Jack playing house and him asking who she's talking to on the phone - was a good scene.


syoaran said:
I think she was still interesting for me up until the moment I found out her reasons for going back to the island - which seemed almost retarded when she was in '77.
I liked the flashforward of her with Jack playing house and him asking who she's talking to on the phone - was a good scene.

Wait....she had a bad reason to go back to the Island?

Searching for her child's mother isn't a good reason?



Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I really don't like the whole temple thing. I've had it with new characters antagonizing our protagonists. They hate each other enough! It seems like every season a new big organization with lots of members is introduced and henceforth hate on the losties.

The writers really need to stop with the repetition. why the fuck do we need a shang tsung character who speaks japanese for no reason? Is this going to be like the final season of Friends, where the writers just stopped caring? will we see kate dating hurley?


gdt5016 said:
Wait....she had a bad reason to go back to the Island?

Searching for her child's mother isn't a good reason?


I felt story telling wise it was pretty weak, but I would have happily gone with it if she had talked about it in some way after arriving back on the Island. Everyone else rolled with it because what they wanted (or forced) was not depedant on the year - but Kates sort of was. I would have expected her to be frustrated and pissed, instead - its like she just doesnt care - and thus, I dont care what happens to her atm.


otake said:
The writers really need to stop with the repetition. why the fuck do we need a shang tsung character who speaks japanese for no reason?

Both the actor and the character are Japanese. Why have him speak English for no reason?
Earl Cazone said:
I hope there will be a second lost chapter, maybe under a new name. spin off style with the kids of the characters.

I'm pretty sure Stephen King is writing one. His off handed reference to a sequel called "The Hunted Ones" in Under The Dome now sounds a bit too perfect with all the talk about Touchstone wanting to continue the franchise.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm pretty sure Stephen King is writing one. His off handed reference to a sequel called "The Hunted Ones" in Under The Dome now sounds a bit too perfect with all the talk about Touchstone wanting to continue the franchise.

How is Under The Dome?

I've read the first 30 or so pages...


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Full Recovery said:
now Otake is just being a hater.

Haters gonna hate.

D00d, I will watch every episode of this season. Lost is a great series. I loved season 1 and 2. Loved season 5. So my expectations are high for this final season. Sadly, I've been burned before. Many tv shows call it in at the end because there's no reason to keep trying. Except Seinfeld.


otake said:
The writers really need to stop with the repetition. why the fuck do we need a shang tsung character who speaks japanese for no reason?

I don't get the hate for Mr. Japanese. Having him speak a different language, yet making him clearly an important Other, reveals quite a bit of detail about who he is.

I also think complaints of "Stop introducing new characters!" are dumb. All TV shows introduce new characters in almost every single episode. If anything, Lost has fewer credited actors than most shows that reach their sixth seasons. What do people want, just the original cast every season pruned down until only five or six remain?


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Earl Cazone said:
I hope there will be a second lost chapter, maybe under a new name. spin off style with the kids of the characters.
Might not even need a spinoff for that. We don't know what the endgame involves yet. The Lostie's kids could still factor into that somehow.

syoaran said:
I felt story telling wise it was pretty weak, but I would have happily gone with it if she had talked about it in some way after arriving back on the Island. Everyone else rolled with it because what they wanted (or forced) was not depedant on the year - but Kates sort of was. I would have expected her to be frustrated and pissed, instead - its like she just doesnt care - and thus, I dont care what happens to her atm.
I agree there. I'm totally down with Kate's motivation for going back, it's very noble and self-less.

But the execution was off. She didn't seem too concerned about the whole thing once she got to the Island.


I think people are forgetting that Kate JUST got to The Island-2007.

How was she gonna find Claire in 1977?
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