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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword announced for Wii [N-CONF]


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Dang! I never thought of so many replies for such small news. Next time i will open a new thread.


never left the stone age
They obviously need the HD port ready for the launch of their next home console.

Edit: I'm not even joking.
AniHawk said:
Nov 11 kinda boggles the mind. 5 full years between console Zeldas. Only other time it happened was... ALttP -> OoT. Although that was 6 years. And back then there was Link's Awakening in-between. This time it's the shitty Phantom Hourglass and its frustrating-yet-superior sequel (for a combined total of negative Link's Awakening).
Ugggh, so true. As someone who's favorite franchise is Zelda I can say it sucks but I've been here before.


Nintendo must've really been desperate when they brought Chibi-Robo over.

I'd love to see The Last Story and Xenoblade, just so it opens doors for other games in the future. The former seems like a no-brainer. Just stamp "THE GUY WHO MADE FINAL FANTASY? THIS IS HIS LAST GAME EVER" on the box. The latter seems like it should happen, given that they localized Baten Kaitos Origins (although again, desperation).

Also, they should totally skip on the English VA sessions to save money and because VA in Nintendo games suck hard.
AniHawk said:
Nintendo must've really been desperate when they brought Chibi-Robo over.

I'd love to see The Last Story and Xenoblade, just so it opens doors for other games in the future. The former seems like a no-brainer. Just stamp "THE GUY WHO MADE FINAL FANTASY? THIS IS HIS LAST GAME EVER" on the box. The latter seems like it should happen, given that they localized Baten Kaitos Origins (although again, desperation).

Also, they should totally skip on the English VA sessions to save money and because VA in Nintendo games suck hard.
I'm glad they brought Chibi-Robo over though.

I had a lot of fun simulating sex with the electric plug.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
AniHawk said:
Nintendo must've really been desperate when they brought Chibi-Robo over.

I'd love to see The Last Story and Xenoblade, just so it opens doors for other games in the future. The former seems like a no-brainer. Just stamp "THE GUY WHO MADE FINAL FANTASY? THIS IS HIS LAST GAME EVER" on the box. The latter seems like it should happen, given that they localized Baten Kaitos Origins (although again, desperation).

Also, they should totally skip on the English VA sessions to save money and because VA in Nintendo games suck hard.
Yeah, I'm more interested in Xenoblade but something like The Last Story....one the one hand, almost nothing like it exists on the Wii, so the market could be severely starved and would buy it in droves. On the other hand, almost nothing like it exists on Wii, so the market could have fled years ago.


If this is delayed to November, them I'm fucked. Modern Warfare 3, Gears 3, ES Skyrim and Zelda in a span of a couple of weeks!? Goodbye social world.


NoE is fucked, they were convinced that Zelda was out early, that's why they pushed Mario Sports Mix into January and Kirby in February. Also, they've been working on Zelda SS for 4 years now. It's only half complete so done by 2014? Nintendo needs to stop messing around and give us a release month already.


They probably weren't working full time on SS for the last 4 years. Just after TP, Phantom Hourglass, Link's Crossbow Training and then Spirit Tracks have been splitting their team. We can consider that their team is fully on SS for 12 months now. Even if this UK magazine is right, a japanese release for april is still possible with 50% of the story and dungeons done today.


Jackano said:
They probably weren't working full time on SS for the last 4 years. Just after TP, Phantom Hourglass, Link's Crossbow Training and then Spirit Tracks have been splitting their team. We can consider that their team is fully on SS for 12 months now. Even if this UK magazine is right, a japanese release for april is still possible with 50% of the story and dungeons done today.
They told us it was nearly finished at E3 2010 and they said it would be out early 2011. If it's only half finished they won't make that release date. The Zelda team is pretty much the largest development group at Nintendo. The DS Zelda's and Crossbow Training only took a couple of staff members to make. Something went wrong somewhere because Iwata confirmed the 2010 release for Zelda multiple times. He even shot down the request for a delay for Spirit Tracks because he didn't want both Zelda's out in 2010.


AniHawk said:
Nov 11 kinda boggles the mind. 5 full years between console Zeldas. Only other time it happened was... ALttP -> OoT. Although that was 6 years. And back then there was Link's Awakening in-between. This time it's the shitty Phantom Hourglass and its frustrating-yet-superior sequel (for a combined total of negative Link's Awakening).

Tools may have progressed, but still now, handheld Zelda - on DS - (not remakes) may take (almost) as much time as a home console Zelda of last decade. And now, they have to deal with 3DS zelda, which may take as much work as a Wii version, also finishing the Wii Zelda SS and warming up for a HD Zelda on WiiHD.


AniHawk said:
I'd love to see The Last Story and Xenoblade, just so it opens doors for other games in the future. The former seems like a no-brainer. Just stamp "THE GUY WHO MADE FINAL FANTASY? THIS IS HIS LAST GAME EVER" on the box. The latter seems like it should happen, given that they localized Baten Kaitos Origins (although again, desperation).

Also, they should totally skip on the English VA sessions to save money and because VA in Nintendo games suck hard.

I think Mistwalker wants to have both Japanese VA with english subs & English VA if there's space, but there probably won't be. Gooch tweeted a few hours ago about the amount of VA in The Last Story


Sakaguchi said:
28 minutes ago via HootSuite .Yesterday I was asked about the # of dialog w/voice during media interview. A person in charge told me 12000. More than expected. ^ ^ (HS)

Event 4462, dungeon 5547, battle 730, online 741, city 347, battle arena 175. "Hurry up Elza. You think you are hero?" is one. Wow. So many.

I forget how many Xenoblade has, but it's right up there as well with thousands of lines of dialogue. Really hope the direction and voice-actors are better than Other M, otherwise it'll be a train wreck. I can't see them just using subs only for both games because there's so many lines of dialogue during battles.

The_Technomancer said:
Yeah, I'm more interested in Xenoblade but something like The Last Story....one the one hand, almost nothing like it exists on the Wii, so the market could be severely starved and would buy it in droves. On the other hand, almost nothing like it exists on Wii, so the market could have fled years ago.

If The Last Story is properly marketed, the Zelda fanbase should eat it up. There's always been a surprisingly strong JRPG fanbase on the Nintendo consoles as well.

[Nintex] said:
NoE is fucked, they were convinced that Zelda was out early, that's why they pushed Mario Sports Mix into January and Kirby in February. Also, they've been working on Zelda SS for 4 years now. It's only half complete so done by 2014? Nintendo needs to stop messing around and give us a release month already.

They should hopefully be already working on the localization of a few games.
[Nintex] said:
NoE is fucked, they were convinced that Zelda was out early, that's why they pushed Mario Sports Mix into January and Kirby in February. Also, they've been working on Zelda SS for 4 years now. It's only half complete so done by 2014? Nintendo needs to stop messing around and give us a release month already.

That makes no sense. Why would they delay these games till Janurary if they thought that Zelda was going to come early. Surely they would push them back in order to fill a gap made by a Zelda delay...

Jackano said:
They probably weren't working full time on SS for the last 4 years. Just after TP, Phantom Hourglass, Link's Crossbow Training and then Spirit Tracks have been splitting their team. We can consider that their team is fully on SS for 12 months now. Even if this UK magazine is right, a japanese release for april is still possible with 50% of the story and dungeons done today.

Of course they weren't. The game has probably been in pre-production ever since Link's Crossbow Training was finished in 2007 - with the majority of staff working on other Wii and DS titles, and has only been in full production over the last 12-18 months. And there's no hope for a JPN release before October-November, no way in hell (Or do you really think that they can finish the remaining 50% of the game in only 4 months? :lol)

[Nintex] said:
They told us it was nearly finished at E3 2010 and they said it would be out early 2011. If it's only half finished they won't make that release date. The Zelda team is pretty much the largest development group at Nintendo. The DS Zelda's and Crossbow Training only took a couple of staff members to make. Something went wrong somewhere because Iwata confirmed the 2010 release for Zelda multiple times. He even shot down the request for a delay for Spirit Tracks because he didn't want both Zelda's out in 2010.

EAD doesn't work like that. There is no set "Zelda team" and each EAD division isn't a set size. How EAD works is that they have a central pool of staff who they distribute amongst the 5 different divisions as is needed, with 5 directors put in charge of each division. So the size of each EAD team changes with each game that they are working on (though it's fair to say that EAD 3 does eat up the most resources when a Zelda game gets into full swing. That is only just happening now though.) Plus, a decent chunk of EAD 3's staff are also working on OoT 3DS (new hardware, completely foreign architecture for Nintendo staff also acts as a further drain on resources)

EAD Tokyo is somewhat separate from the 5 Kyoto divisions though since it's located pretty far away from the main offices. As for Iwata's comments regarding the lack of a need for Spirit Tracks' delay, remember that the game was originally going to be using Twilight Princess' graphics and engine, but that has been scrapped in favour of the new art direction (hence the need for more dev time).


Nuclear Muffin said:
That makes no sense. Why would they delay these games till Janurary if they thought that Zelda was going to come early. Surely they would push them back in order to fill a gap made by a Zelda delay...
They're not delayed but in fact released earlier than expected. Mario Sports Mix and Kirby would've come out in March or June or something. NoE's new strategy was to release one game every month because the sales of the Wii went down. They won't be able to keep up the pace if NCL doesn't supply them games.

We can also give up on Xenoblade Baten Kaitos 2 at this point perhaps The Last Story Chibi Robo, but I don't expect it till September. Which leaves February > September with just Rhythm Heaven Wii Odama. Hello, GameCube.


Take all the time you need Shiggy - there isn't as much hype riding on the back of this one, and the Wii is still good for the whole of 2011; as long as Skyward Sword is complete in both substance and essence at launch - I'm a happy man nonetheless.


[Nintex] said:
They're not delayed but in fact released earlier than expected. Mario Sports Mix and Kirby would've come out in March or June or something. NoE's new strategy was to release one game every month because the sales of the Wii went down. They won't be able to keep up the pace if NCL doesn't supply them games.

We can also give up on Xenoblade Baten Kaitos 2 at this point perhaps The Last Story Chibi Robo, but I don't expect it till September. Which leaves February > September with just Rhythm Heaven Wii Odama. Hello, GameCube.

[Nintex] said:
They're not delayed but in fact released earlier than expected. Mario Sports Mix and Kirby would've come out in March or June or something. NoE's new strategy was to release one game every month because the sales of the Wii went down. They won't be able to keep up the pace if NCL doesn't supply them games.

We can also give up on Xenoblade Baten Kaitos 2 at this point perhaps The Last Story Chibi Robo, but I don't expect it till September. Which leaves February > September with just Rhythm Heaven Wii Odama. Hello, GameCube.

Well, we never had a date for Mario Sports Mix and that could've easily been released in time for Christmas if NOE wanted to release it. Kirby was in fact delayed. And even following that strategy, they wouldn't have anything for the Wii in March anyway.

Come March, Nintendo will completely shift to the 3DS and pretty much forget that the Wii exists until Q3-4 when Rhythm Heaven and Zelda come out. Yep, it is indeed the Gamecube circa 2005-2006 all over again.


Nuclear Muffin said:
Well, we never had a date for Mario Sports Mix and that could've easily been released in time for Christmas if NOE wanted to release it. Kirby was in fact delayed. And even following that strategy, they wouldn't have anything for the Wii in March anyway.

Come March, Nintendo will completely shift to the 3DS and pretty much forget that the Wii exists until Q3-4 when Rhythm Heaven and Zelda come out. Yep, it is indeed the Gamecube circa 2005-2006 all over again.
No it couldn't have been released, Nintendo of Europe limits their releases to '1' franchise game a month and Donkey Kong was coming out. Had they called it Wii Sports Mix it could've been released but with Mario in the title? Nope. Also NoE hates Kirby, they hate it with a passion, Canvas Curse came out a year after the US release or something and Kirby Super Star Ultra took ages as well. Going by NoE's strategy Kirby should've been out in May or June at the earliest and not in February. I'm going to call them to ask if they're ok, releasing a Kirby game early just like that.

Note, the article mentions Mario Kart 3D as a 'secret' and not 'not yet announced' so my guess is that this is an OLD interview from months ago. Also the article says: "At the time of our meeting, the game is “over half complete”."


lo zaffo

I presume, in Europe, Wii can still sell some software in bundle with hardware, at least in Christmas time. In a better world it should be the other way round :D


No and for the new page, old interview mentions Mario Kart as though it is not announced yet. Zelda still on track for early 2011.
[Nintex] said:
No it couldn't have been released, Nintendo of Europe limits their releases to '1' franchise game a month and Donkey Kong was coming out. Had they called it Wii Sports Mix it could've been released but with Mario in the title? Nope. Also NoE hates Kirby, they hate it with a passion, Canvas Curse came out a year after the US release or something and Kirby Super Star Ultra took ages as well. Going by NoE's strategy Kirby should've been out in May or June at the earliest and not in February. I'm going to call them to ask if they're ok, releasing a Kirby game early just like that.

Note, the article mentions Mario Kart 3D as a 'secret' and not 'not yet announced' so my guess is that this is an OLD interview from months ago. Also the article says: "At the time of our meeting, the game is “over half complete”."


Nope, article was put up yesterday. The website is not a videogame specialist site so the writers probably don't really know much about the industry and Mario Kart's previous announcement, so they thought that it wasn't announced yet. Too bad.


[Nintex] said:
No and for the new page, old interview mentions Mario Kart as though it is not announced yet.

Probably just a mistake on the writer's part. The interview also references events that happened after E3 2010, and the Mario Kart 3DS announcement was pretty low-key.



This looks so nice. (in the OP I see).


Guevara said:
This looks so nice. (in the OP I see).
Yes, the visuals are stunning. I want to see new media with water worlds and all that

These are shots from the last time Nintendo showed the game:



No bald cap? Lies!
Mehh I still thought the game would come out a month or so after E3. I dont really see that changing here. Outside of the controls and art style we dont know much of anything about how the game is played and I think theyll want to put on a good showing of the changes theyve made to the games structure and what the story entails. Theyll continue with their last minute big ad campaigns and kick it off with a big showing at E3. Though Im totally open to them releasing the game well before then.
AniHawk said:
Goddamit, I see a face in the tree.

Also, thanks Nintex for solving the puzzle.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :| :| :| :| :|

Game looks fantastic btw lets hope that Nintendo will do more media on the game than lets say 1 week before the game comes out.


[Nintex] said:
Yes, the visuals are stunning. I want to see new media with water worlds and all that

These are shots from the last time Nintendo showed the game:



Is this impressive to you? I don't know, Skyward Sword looks very bland to me. I know it's just a subtitle, but 'Skyward Sword' also sounds pretty half baked and typical. Doesn't evoke the mystery of Majoras Mask or A Link to the Past. Structurally, the gameplay looks exactly the same minus the ability to swipe horizontally and vertically.

I hope this game gets panned and underperforms so Nintendo finally refreshes the franchise.
The Dutch Slayer said:
Nah that is 3DS specific.

Probably around end of April early May IF Nintendo does a spring media briefing again like they did in 2010.
After that its E3.
I thought Nintendo didn't say it was a 3DS exclusive event, just assumed that it would be about 3DS.
I was about to bump the thread yesterday to ask


But I didn't want to be one of those people. At least some actual news caused the bump. :lol


hyperbolically metafictive
loose offwhite pants under tunic, where are the white tights we know and love, heterosexist agenda ruins yet another character design
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