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NBC poll: Trump continues to lead the GOP field after 1st debate

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Suite Pee

Willing to learn
I just saw a Mustang with a "Carson 2016" sticker next to a faded "I Still Stand with Walker" sticker.

Wisconsin is weird.

"then I said... Only Rosie O'Donell" "hahahahahah"
"But.. but he said mean things!!"

At this point the media needs to start praising him, if they want people to stop liking him.

The entire gimmick is Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16, rebelliousness and anti "PC"

Honestly, all the media needs to do is not give him coverage. The narcissist loves this attention, whether it's good or bad. Yes, it would be silly to not give a presidential candidate a forum to spread his ideas, but the media just needs to say "The Walking Parody said some bullshit, and now to the actual news." Gives him an insignificant attention and deflate that ego.


Exactly. The only reason he even has a campaign is because of his last name. His record as governor isn't that noteworthy, he isn't charismatic, and he simply does not excite the base. Nor do I believe the money advantage is that huge of a deal this year. It would be in 2012 for instance when only one candidate (Romney) had money, but this year at least 4-5 candidates have a lot of money. Cruz's PAC raised 50mil. What's the difference between 100mil and 50mil right now, with limited TV ad space to purchase? Not to mention that Bush is spending a lot of that on consultants and polling whereas guys like Cruz and Walker have actual grassroots organizations.

Umm I don't know where you're from but I'm from Florida, lived through Bush's tenure here, and can say straight up a lot of that is wrong. Jeb was very well liked in the state during his time as Governor to the point where people here always separated him from his brother. Bush also has a HUGE grassroots following in FL.

Bush isn't charismatic, you're right there and he's gaffe prone but that's about it.

*disclaimer: I am not voting for Jeb
Honestly, all the media needs to do is not give him coverage. The narcissist loves this attention, whether it's good or bad. Yes, it would be silly to not give a presidential candidate a forum to spread his ideas, but the media just needs to say "The Walking Parody said some bullshit, and now to the actual news." Gives him an insignificant attention and deflate that ego.

I disagree, the media should not let John Ellis Bush (who has amass the most donor money) any attention just because the Koch brothers and the entire GOP establishment are putting their money behind Bush

Trump is essential this election to expose the excess of Super PAC money flowing to candidates like John Ellis Bush


Jeb just wants to check off that "President of the United States" box on his resume. The guy totally lacks enthusiasm and seems rusty as hell politically.


What freaks me out isn't that Trump is in first place, but that Ted Cruz is in second. He's the nuttiest, most dangerous nutjob of the bunch, but that doesn't stop the GOP base from liking the guy.
Yep. After the debate I'm legitimately terrified of this guy. His plan is to undo literally everything Obama has done but refuses to offer an alternative to anything.

I disagree, the media should not let John Ellis Bush (who has amass the most donor money) any attention just because the Koch brothers and the entire GOP establishment are putting their money behind Bush
Walker=Koch Brothers

Walker at the debate sounded like he was reciting from a prepared list given to him by the Koch Brothers.
I disagree, the media should not let John Ellis Bush (who has amass the most donor money) any attention just because the Koch brothers and the entire GOP establishment are putting their money behind Bush

Trump is essential this election to expose the excess of Super PAC money flowing to candidates like John Ellis Bush

Expect people are barely paying attention to the shady donors and are instead focusing on the next silly statement from Trump.
People don't seem to understand how this form of online polling is done. Look up yougov and other pollsters that do online polling now.

It's not an open poll that anyone can just vote in. It's a randomized pool of Republicans chosen by the pollster.


Trump is actually dangerously charismatic. Similar to how Obama got s love from simple sound bytes like hope and change, trump is the only candidate doing something similar now with non politically correctness and making America great. Hillary doesn't have charisma that's even in the same ballpark.'

Trump should never be able to win..... But I think he's gonna affect the election results one way or another
People don't seem to understand how this form of online polling is done. Look up yougov and other pollsters that do online polling now.

It's not an open poll that anyone can just vote in. It's a randomized pool of Republicans chosen by the pollster.

Yep, but all you hear, it was just on CNN, it's just some Internet poll.
Trump and Carson I get, but Ted Cruz?

I don't get Carson, I haven't heard a single person tell me a legitimate reason as to why he's a good presidential candidate. Cruz seems legitimately crazy so I don't get that either. I assume Trump is still doing well because people are just having fun with this at the moment.


Trump will win imo; hes an arse but his actual 'policy' views will probably cut into the Democrats base slightly (the over-confidence and lack of realisation of how two party politics work from the Democrats recently is ridiculous).

Rick Santorum was the runner up last time around.

Trump will not win GOP nomination. You just have to flip the result a bit, ~75% didn't go for him, the entire lot will go to some another nominee like Jeb Bush when we get to Iowa, or may be a bit later.
do people even listen to what he says lol

the dudes policy consists of building a giant fence across the mexican border and constantly saying the us is weaker than china and mexico.


No Scrubs
Trump will not win GOP nomination. You just have to flip the result a bit, ~75% didn't go for him, the entire lot will go to some another nominee like Jeb Bush when we get to Iowa, or may be a bit later.

I actually imagine that a lot of Cruz's support (if this poll is to be believed and he has support) will go to Trump, there's a lot of crossover appeal there.


listen to the mad man
This may be true, but a surveymonkey poll is not a nationally representative sample and almost certainly doesn't have an effective likely voter screen. No national polls release on the weekend. Expect the first rolling polls that incorporate the debate to be released Tuesday. Expect effects, if any, of the debate to be apparent by Thursday-Friday.


I actually imagine that a lot of Cruz's support (if this poll is to be believed and he has support) will go to Trump, there's a lot of crossover appeal there.

I try to keep in the back of my mind the fact that Cruz and Trump had a strategy meeting a few weeks ago at Trump Tower in NYC - and that they've been either chummy or they've refrained from attacking each other ever since.


Liberals tend to watch and trust one or more of a variety of media outlets, while conservatives tend to watch and trust FOX News specifically.

That's false. Way before Fox News was a thing AM radio was and still continues to be the prominent bastion against liberal agendas. Conservatives have their media outlets even if the scope is different.

This may be true, but a surveymonkey poll is not a nationally representative sample and almost certainly doesn't have an effective likely voter screen. No national polls release on the weekend. Expect the first rolling polls that incorporate the debate to be released Tuesday. Expect effects, if any, of the debate to be apparent by Thursday-Friday.

It wasn't a random poll. They implemented controls to filter out anyone who couldn't vote in the Republican primary.


I think Trump would make a God-awful president and there is no way in hell I would vote for him, but the media needs to fucking STOP with this nonsense about him supposedly sabotaging himself. CNN interviewed a focus group after the debate and they were all saying that Trump turned them off as voters. CNN then touted this as proof that Trump just ended his chances.

Yeah, I'm not buying any of that. There's no way anyone could watch that debate and think Trump sunk himself when it was just more of the same shenanigans that got him to the top. You can say you disliked his performance, but you can't say it was inconsistent with anything he's done.


No Scrubs
I try to keep in the back of my mind the fact that Cruz and Trump had a strategy meeting a few weeks ago at Trump Tower in NYC - and that they've been either chummy or they've refrained from attacking each other ever since.

Oh to be a fly on the wall.

It has as much to do with yourself as it does to do with who you are against.

What does that even mean? You realize Trump has already alienated Hispanics and women and that a Republican needs to do well among those demographics to get elected right?


I actually imagine that a lot of Cruz's support (if this poll is to be believed and he has support) will go to Trump, there's a lot of crossover appeal there.
I think Cruz will outlast trump

but yes, they've practically endorsed each other already


I actually imagine that a lot of Cruz's support (if this poll is to be believed and he has support) will go to Trump, there's a lot of crossover appeal there.

Likely enough. Right now it's very messy with 25% winner appearing as a breakaway frontrunner because they have freaking 17 candidates.
Should be interesting to see if the Coronation stuff bites them in the ass, I imagine it will.

It establishes contrasting stances while interest is sky high. Not to mention test if Clinton is a dud debate-wise against Sanders.

I'm sorry but Clinton went toe to toe with Obama during the debates in 2008. Obama better was overall but Hillary held her own. What makes you think Bernie is gonna be better than campaign mode Barrack?
Jeb just wants to check off that "President of the United States" box on his resume. The guy totally lacks enthusiasm and seems rusty as hell politically.

Trump on CNN this morning:

"[...]We have people that are incompetent running our country and we have to bring it back, and you can't do that by nice low key tone like Jeb Bush. He's got no energy...I mean the man has no energy, and then he gets up and criticizes me over the week-end about something I didn't even say!"

Hahaha gotta love the guy.


contribute something
Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.


Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.
On social issues? Not at all. We'd just be a joke internationally.


Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.

That's one huge question mark in my mind. Congress is likely to remain pretty unproductive for the forseeable future, so the main source of policy change/progress will come from executive orders and judicial actions. For example, what would a Trump Supreme Court nominee look like?
Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.

A trump presidency would essentially be a 4 year government shut down. Dems would fight him tooth and nail, as would the sane members of the GoP (not many left but they're there).
It's going to be lovely watching Hillary just absolutely eviscerate these people on foreign policy.

Could you imagine Ben Carson debating Hillary on the intricacies of our operations and relations in the middle east? lmao


Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.

I wouldn't expect Trump to push for almost any of the social conservative shit he's spouting. I could see him doing a complete 180 honestly.

The problem is our relations with other countries and the fact that our government would be even more inept as both parties would oppose him for different reasons.


It's going to be lovely watching Hillary just absolutely eviscerate these people on foreign policy.

Could you imagine Ben Carson debating Hillary on the intricacies of our operations and relations in the middle east? lmao

Hillary isn't exactly a foreign policy genius
Would a Trump presidency be actually more harmful to the United States than Cruz, Bush, or Walker?

It seems that the biggest detriment would be xenophobic immigration policy and embarrassing international discourse. I'm not quite sure if Trump would push any kind of social conservative agenda, and I doubt that he would be anywhere near as fiscally conservative as his rivals.
Despite being wealthy he is a moron, who profits from suing people that he owes money and manipulating the rules of bankruptcy to his benefit as he tanks business after business. He is the Bose of the business world, a fake legacy born entirely of self promotion.

So knowing he isnt even good at business, is there any reason at all to believe he has any skills or competency to run anything?
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