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Twitch troll tries to donate $50k then chargeback as a prank. It ends bad.

Yo just a heads up to that guy who did all the donations. I love you man. You're cool. If you wanna "troll" me, come stop by my Twitch. No kappa.
wow could this board be anymore cruel? "got what he deserved!" 3 months from now this kid kills himself, or his parents are forced to pay this off

the only idiot is the girl that is clearly old enough to know those are not real donations but she starts dancing around ... yeah she should get the money because she worked so hard to earn it now lets ruin some kids life over this to teach him a lesson!!!
Lmao what the fuck. "could this board be anymore cruel" then you proceed to call a girl you don't know an idiot.


wow could this board be anymore cruel? "got what he deserved!"


wilfully causing pain or suffering to others

If anything, this idiot is the one being cruel, purposefully donating money only to pull it well after the streamer's think it won't be taken back.

3 months from now he kills himself


the only idiot is the girl

He 'pranked' more than one person. You can see so in the video if you bothered to skip ahead.

that is clearly old enough to know

And this 'kid' is 18. What age then is 'clearly enough to know' that this was a bad idea?

yeah she should get the money because she worked so hard to earn

I sense jealousy. I'm not a fan of the whole streaming thing, but to say they don't deserve money opens up a new can of worms. At what point does a job go from undeserving to deserving of money?

now lets ruin some kids life over this to teach him a lesson!!!

And yet him potentially ruining streamer's lives is ok? Double standard no?


In short, you have no idea what you're talking about. Sit down, read this thread through and understand the implications of a 'prank' like this before crying foul.


the guy endeavored to smash the financial stability of people who never did anything to him, people who by and large aren't nearly as well off as he is, for laughs. for laughs. for laughs. sink that shit in.


fucking a right he got what he deserved.

Who are the idiots in this situation again?

it is a kid right? because if it is a 'guy' then the story changes, yes the kid is a idiot but ive watched enough twitch to see streamed get fake donations and call it out, this girl gets $7k 5 times in a row and thinks its real.... yes she is a moron too


wow could this board be anymore cruel? "got what he deserved!" 3 months from now this kid kills himself, or his parents are forced to pay this off

the only idiot is the girl that is clearly old enough to know those are not real donations but she starts dancing around ... yeah she should get the money because she worked so hard to earn it now lets ruin some kids life over this to teach him a lesson!!!

He's 18 years old...not a kid. He got what he deserved
it is a kid right? because if it is a 'guy' then the story changes, yes the kid is a idiot but ive watched enough twitch to see streamed get fake donations and call it out, this girl gets $7k 5 times in a row and thinks its real.... yes she is a moron too
It was an adult. You are a sad, bitter person.
the guy endeavored to smash the financial stability of people who never did anything to him, people who by and large aren't nearly as well off as he is, for laughs. for laughs. for laughs. sink that shit in.


fucking a right he got what he deserved.
I just wanna say, most Twitch don't get access to their donations until a few days after the donation is made.

If someone's immediate reaction to getting $1,000 dollar is too IMMEDIATELY spend $1,000... I can't say I'd feel sorry for their financial problems that occur.

Honestly, Twitch streams make bank.

And, haha get screwed Kid. Hope your parents give you a legitimate lesson.


Got what he deserved. If he really is 18, there is no excuse for him or his parents. I mean come on, at 18 you should at least should have some common sense. I would not do that even if I was 10 ffs.

L Thammy

If I ever become rich, my kids are getting nothing beyond college tuition. Just so they don't think they can pull this kind of thing.
Wow, people are actually defending this dudes behavior?

I mean, really? This guy tried to financially ruin people he doesn't even know, don't know him.

This dude was going to do something incredibly shitty, and instead it backfired and now he's in trouble.

He got exactly what he deserves, the dude is an asshat.
it is a kid right? because if it is a 'guy' then the story changes, yes the kid is a idiot but ive watched enough twitch to see streamed get fake donations and call it out, this girl gets $7k 5 times in a row and thinks its real.... yes she is a moron too

Literally one post above rips your entire argument to shreds breh.
Good. If you want to be an asshole and gamble your own money for a 'prank' on innocent people, this is what ya get.

Hopefully the kid's learned.
His parents are probably making sure he has.


Lmao what the fuck. "could this board be anymore cruel" then you proceed to call a girl you don't know an idiot.

It was an adult. You are a sad, bitter person.

a few posts on a msg board is enough for you to know me to the point where you can say im sad and bitter but watching someone on twitch getting 10k+ in donations and thinking its real isnt enough for me to call them a idiot......

hypocrite much?
Yikes on all accounts.

For the unaware, the PayPal Chargeback Fee to the party getting paid is $20 USD per transaction. So in the case of anyone getting 10 chargebacks, the minimum is $200 that the person/company that got paid initially has to pay PayPal, and that's in addition to whatever monies that have been removed. Getting $10k in donations over 8 transcations coats that streamer $10,160 at minimum.

So I imagine many people here are in defense of the 'prankster' because the donations were to Twitch streamers, but the only way this could be worse is if it were another business where they came away with physical goods. Either way, the intent was malicious and the guy is of age to be prosecuted.

"His life shouldn't be ruined because of this." He tried to ruin someone else's. If PayPal did deny the chargebacks, he has to pay that money back and hopefully will have learned a valuable lesson in "teh LULs".
a few posts on a msg board is enough for you to know me to the point where you can say im sad and bitter but watching someone on twitch getting 10k+ in donations and thinking its real isnt enough for me to call the a moron...

hypocrite much?

Well you were pretty quick to judge GAF for their reaction without knowing all the facts ;)


Can't believe anyone is defending this kid, who likes to flaunt how rich he is on his twitter by posting pictures of his poached egg lunches.

Say what you want about the streamers, but trying to ruin the livelihood of those that are way less fortunate than you is a real dick move.


Fuck him. I don't care if he is rich or poor. He brought this on himself when his little plan to fuck over others backfired on him. I feel no sympathy for him here and it boggles my fucking mind that there are people in this thread arguing that he is the victim in all this and should get off scot-free. No wonder this world is filled with little shits when we have people lining up to excuse this behavior.


Ha, its like finally getting to see one of those people that waves money in front of homeless people get their comeuppance. No sympathy here, don't be a dick next time.


lol there really is a defense force for everything here today.

Dude was trying to do some malicious shit to others. he deserves this. Maybe his parents need to teach him better


semen stains the mountaintops
a few posts on a msg board is enough for you to know me to the point where you can say im sad and bitter but watching someone on twitch getting 10k+ in donations and thinking its real isnt enough for me to call them a idiot......

hypocrite much?

It's not unheard of for big Twitch streamers to get big donations. That girl you're calling an idiot has gotten donations bigger than that before.


How exactly is she an idiot for thinking they were real?


Yikes on all accounts.

For the unaware, the PayPal Chargeback Fee to the party getting paid is $20 USD per transaction. So in the case of anyone getting 10 chargebacks, the minimum is $200 that the person/company that got paid initially has to pay PayPal, and that's in addition to whatever monies that have been removed. Getting $10k in donations over 8 transcations coats that streamer $10,160 at minimum.

So I imagine many people here are in defense of the 'prankster' because the donations were to Twitch streamers, but the only way this could be worse is if it were another business where they came away with physical goods. Either way, the intent was malicious and the guy is of age to be prosecuted.

"His life shouldn't be ruined because of this." He tried to ruin someone else's. If PayPal did deny the chargebacks, he has to pay that money back and hopefully will have learned a valuable lesson in "teh LULs".

What an asshole. Also sounds like someone who doesn't appreciate the value of money.
yeah she should get the money because she worked so hard to earn it

oh, so you're one of them. I'll just ignore you, then.

I will never understand twitch or the asses who give their money away to these people.

You don't understand how entertainment works? You the type of dude to complain that NFL players get paid too much?

right there with you. Twitch is the fuckin worst in all ways.

I just wanna say, most Twitch don't get access to their donations until a few days after the donation is made.

If someone's immediate reaction to getting $1,000 dollar is too IMMEDIATELY spend $1,000... I can't say I'd feel sorry for their financial problems that occur.

He specifically waited a month before attempting the chargebacks.

Honestly, Twitch streams make bank.

Looking at his choice of targets, he wasn't going down the list of top streamers. Most of these people probably are not making bank. Most of them look like they're pretty borderline on even having Twitch partnership.


right there with you. Twitch is the fuckin worst in all ways.

I pay for my entertainment.
When I'm bored at work and there is a game I would like to see played, I watch a streamer.
If that is entertaining and I watch for, lets say, the whole game, I give the guy a tip for spending his time and making my work less boring.


Looking at his choice of targets, he wasn't going down the list of top streamers. Most of these people probably are not making bank. Most of them look like they're pretty borderline on even having Twitch partnership.
First guy makes about 35k a month and the second person is his girlfriend. They're very well off.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Looking at his choice of targets, he wasn't going down the list of top streamers. Most of these people probably are not making bank. Most of them look like they're pretty borderline on even having Twitch partnership.

If this involves just the 4 listed names in the youtube description, then you're greatly underestimating how much streamers earn.


It's not unheard of for big Twitch streamers to get big donations. That girl you're calling an idiot has gotten donations bigger than that before.


How exactly is she an idiot for thinking they were real?

Holy shit.
Those are quite the numbers.
I don't get it. Between this thread and the Overwatch cheating thread, there's a giant defense force for people going out of their way to behave like fucking sociopaths.

This kid was giving money, waiting long enough that someone might have spent it, and pulling it back only then, to raise the potential of fucking them financially.

Let his ass pay, jesus christ. It doesn't make you an enlightened special snowflake to continually play devil's advocate when someone is doing nasty things to other people on purpose.

This may be blunt, but I think he absolutely deserves and should pay the $50K in debt.

He literally did this to himself and was trying to commit fraud. Sure, he may have seen it as a prank or a joke, but the true definition of this is fraud.

If you don't want the $50K debt, don't try to scam people out of donations you've given them. And judging by his Twitter and other things I've seen, it looks like he's got a lot of money. I feel bad for the parents, but I just can't find sympathy at all for someone like this. He tried to screw over people he donated to.

Sure, the point of debt forgiveness (specifically, lowering his current debt) for this kid is debatable, but personally I think this is deserved.

When you play with fire, you get burnt. When you go out of your way to screw over those you've donated to a month later, you'll face those consequences. I really don't get the defenses made for this kid. Imagine if this was done to you and you were scammed out of a huge donation.

EDIT: I also want to point out that I am the exact age (18) of the kid who did this. I would never think of ever doing something like this, nor do I think many other people my age or older would think of doing this. This is just a bad kid doing bad things imo, which is personally why I think he deserves the debt.


I don't get it. Between this thread and the Overwatch cheating thread, there's a giant defense force for people going out of their way to behave like fucking sociopaths.

At least early in the thread, I think a lot of us were under the impression that he was a kid, not an 18 year old. Also he's rich so let him pay. The thought of like a 12 year old bankrupting his working class parents was where I think a lot of the objections came from. Now that the facts are out, fuck this guy.


This may be blunt, but I think he absolutely deserves and should pay the $50K in debt.

He literally did this to himself and was trying to commit fraud. Sure, he may have seen it as a prank or a joke, but the true definition of this is fraud.

If you don't want $50K debts, don't try to scam people out of donations you've given them. And judging by his Twitter and other things I've seen, it looks like he's got a lot of money. I feel bad for the parents, but I just can't find sympathy at all for someone like this. He tried to screw over people he donated to.

Sure, the point of debt forgiveness for this kid is debatable, but personally I think this is deserved.

When you play with fire, you get burnt. When you go out of your way to screw over those you've donated to a month later, you'll face those consequences. I really don't get the defenses made for this kid. Imagine if this was done to you and you were scammed out of a huge donation.

This is what gets me. It's literally fraud just as a "prank", and people want to defend that. That's sick. You don't go to a restaurant, pay with your cc and then go home and ask for chargebacks. You don't write cheques that will bounce to buy something at a store. Somehow people want to defend it because it's twitch streamers or because they call it a donation or for whatever other half assed excuse. At the end of a day it's a crime, and charge backs are supposed to be for when something serious happens, not when some 18 year asshole with rich parents wants to have a laugh when some noteworthy internet people get stuck with some debt because of them.

At least early in the thread, I think a lot of us were under the impression that he was a kid, not an 18 year old. Also he's rich so let him pay. The thought of like a 12 year old bankrupting his working class parents was where I think a lot of the objections came from. Now that the facts are out, fuck this guy.

The parents financial situation has no bearings on this, but the parents parenting surely does. If the kid had working class parents and did this I would still feel the same. You got a shitty kid due to shitty parenting, maybe fix it.


GOOD. Next I hope Kickstarter trolls get hit with a permanency punishment with no refunds. Seen a lot of folks fucked with who didn't deserve the "fun" of someone fake donating and giving them a moment of funding a dream they've wanted only to pull out on their donations.


People worried about this kid:

His Twitter hints that he has very well off parents (his "first" birthday gift of the day was a $200 workout bench), and he's poking fun at his $1010/month payments for this little stunt. He talks about blowing $4000 like it's nothing.

So, yeah.
Thanks for making my sympathy evaporate
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